“Unlock Your Dream Career: Discover 7 Benefits of Being a Game Designer Today!”

Why Being a Video Game Designer is a Top Career Choice

Game design is a profession packed with excitement, innovation and countless rewards. This industry is constantly evolving, presenting new scenarios for game designers to tackle. In this article, we explore why being a video game designer is shooting to the top of the most-wanted careers list.

1. A Casual Yet Enthusiastic Work Environment

The culture of game designers is made up of individuals who are living their highest passion. They are enthusiastic, dedicated, and creative. Game designers experience the gratification of creating something that they are personally passionate about, and that others can enjoy as well. Game design work environments are different from any other industry because of this.

2. A Degree Isn’t Totally Necessary—But it is a Plus

Although most video game designers hold a college degree or certification, it isn’t always necessary. Many colleges don’t offer a specific degree for game design, so it’s important to look into game design schools that offer great programs to ensure you can get a job in the field. Many developers will hire a designer if they know that they are capable of making a game; however, having a degree provides valuable hands-on learning that will be useful when seeking a job.

3. Use Analytical and Creative Thinking

Game designers are responsible for conceptualizing many parts of a game, from the rules to the structure and themes. Specialized areas such as level design, script writing, design of game play, and level mechanics, require artistic skills as well as technological knowledge. It’s vital to be organized and analytical when designing video games. These qualities will determine how designers solve problems, for example, how a character will react to an obstacle in the game, and how the player will score points in relation to completed missions.

4. Playing Games is Part of Your Job

One thing that leads many people into the field of game design is their love of playing games. Game designers are encouraged to play games, something required in the field. They are able to get an early preview of a game they are developing, even when they are only responsible for one portion of it. They are also able to play other designers’ games before they are released to the public, analyzing them before they hit the market.

5. Competitive Salary

As part of the larger career field of software development, the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that the median annual salary for a software developer is about $97,990. The salary will vary based on the specialization in question and other factors. Those working on the West Coast of the United States may anticipate a higher salary, as it is the Mecca of game design.

6. Enter a Dynamic Industry with a Steady Career

The industry of game design is constantly changing, and game designers have to continually learn new things while remaining in a field that provides job security. Even over the last 10 years, video games have evolved into a subculture of their own, and that is not showing any signs of fading anytime soon.

7. Do More Than Just Entertain

Video games offer more than just entertainment for bored preteens. They have been crafted to help with a number of real life situations such as depression, stress, and weight problems. Video games have numerous applications such as soldier training, children’s schooling, and space mission preparation. What was once used solely as entertainment for children is now an essential tool that helps improve the world, as well as helping some individuals overcome various challenges.


Video game designers are surrounded by like-minded individuals who share the same passion for creating something out of nothing, in a field that is ever-evolving and providing a way to turn ideas into realities. Game design is a career to consider if you love playing games and want to help make them even better for others. Whether you choose to get a degree or learn by experience, a career in game design offers opportunities for growth, innovation, and countless rewards.

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