“Transform Your Life with 15 Simple Steps to Achieving Big Results”

Whether or not humans can change is a question as old as time itself. It’s a question that many people find themselves asking as they strive for personal improvement. While some believe that one’s innermost character cannot be actively changed, others believe that change can come from breaking down our routines and habits. Indeed, these tasks make up 40% of how we spend our time.

Many people have certain aspects of their personality that they believe are unchangeable. For instance, some may consider themselves “lazy”, unsociable, or awkward. And while these traits may seem engrained in our personalities, they are often caused by a tangible difference in behavior. However, changing these aspects of oneself requires considerable effort and dedication.

If you’re looking to make some significant changes in your life, there are plenty of steps you can take to make the process easier. Below are 15 ways to help you on your journey towards self-improvement.

1. Break your goals down into small, actionable steps.

To make progress, it’s important to know where you’re headed. Get ultra-specific about your goals and break them down into repeatable actions that you can do every day or every week. For instance, if your goal is to eat healthier and exercise more, don’t simply set the vague goal of “eating less”. Instead, decide on a few healthy meals you’ll eat and the type of exercise you’ll do each week. Make it a plan, not simply a goal.

2. Tap into the power of routine, and make it a habit.

Contrary to popular belief, creating a habit isn’t simply about repeating something for 21 days and then you’re all good. While the longer you do something, the closer to second nature it becomes, you will still experience times where it’s extremely hard to keep going. These are the times when it’s essential that you keep pushing.

3. Write checklists by hand.

Write down your goals and actions that you need to take in order to achieve them. Keep yourself accountable with checklists that cover daily actions to help you stay on track. When you’re working towards long-term goals, it’s easy to get sidetracked and forget about the daily actions that keep you moving forward. By writing them down, you’re more likely to succeed.

4. Track and share your progress.

Track your progress to motivate yourself and spot patterns. This allows you to find out what works best for you and your goals. A study showed that people who wrote weekly progress reports and sent them to a supportive friend were more likely to successfully change than people who didn’t do this. Who is your most supportive friend? Tell them what you’re trying to achieve, and how it’s coming along.

5. Focus on the most effective actions.

Figure out the actions that contribute the most towards your goals. The Pareto principle, or the 80/20 rule, says that we spend 80% of our time doing things that contribute only 20% towards our goals, and only 20% of the time doing the vital stuff that contributes 80%. If you can isolate what helps you the most, you’ll progress more in less time.

6. Don’t try to reinvent the wheel.

Stick to tried and tested principles rather than venturing out into new ones. If you’re trying to lose weight or bulk up, don’t try to invent a new diet revolving around your favorite food, chocolate chip fried chicken. If you find yourself overwhelmed, think about the simplest alternatives. What can you do easier?

7. Leverage your strengths.

Focus on your strengths, rather than forcing yourself to work on your weaknesses. If you’re great at lifting weights, and you actually enjoy it, but you suck at cardio, and hate it, focus on where you excel. Adapt your weight-lifting routine and add medium full-body exercises that suit you better.

8. Take steps to make it an enjoyable process.

If you can integrate activities that you already enjoy into the process, you’re more likely to stick with it. For instance, if you like listening to music and you’re still able to concentrate, integrate it into the pieces of the process that you don’t like. This way, you’ll enjoy the process, not just look forward to the goal.

9. Make use of past and/or pre-existing habits.

If you have a habit that would be useful for working towards your current goal, revisit it, ramp it up, and reap the benefits. If you want to learn a new language, and you spend a lot time watching TV, incorporate it into your goal by watching foreign language TV shows.

10. Remember the little things.

Don’t overlook the little things. According to the Pareto principle, the little things can be a huge part of your progress. They may seem insignificant, but given enough time, the little things can mean the difference between not losing any weight one year, to losing 10 pounds the next.

11. Don’t be afraid to ask for help.

Asking for help can be difficult, but it’s a great way to make progress. Seek out the people who are most qualified to help you with your current problem.

12. Accept and move past your failures.

It’s perfectly normal to fail sometimes. However, instead of beating yourself up about it, think about why you may have failed and what you could have done better. Accept that a speed-bump is part of the journey and get back to work.

13. Don’t push yourself too far too quickly.

Starting slow is better than not starting at all. Be cautious in pushing yourself too much, too soon. Gradually increase the amount of work you do, but keep in mind that it’s counterproductive to go too far.

14. Don’t expect things to stay the same.

When you make changes, other changes will follow. You may have less in common with your current friends, and even find yourself hanging out with a new crowd. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing. If your old friends are nurturing and worthwhile, don’t kill the friendships, but also don’t let them disrupt your improvement.

15. Prioritize your health and happiness.

Balance your rest, work, and play, and don’t burn out after the first month of pursuing change. Sleep at least seven and a half hours every night, and leave yourself some “me time” to unwind and relax. Spend time with your friends and family, eat healthy, and exercise regularly.

In conclusion, changing aspects of yourself requires considerable work, dedication and time. However, with some initial effort to break goals into small actionable steps, implement good habits and routines, track progress and identify most effective actions, finding motivation to achieve the desired changes can become a journey of personal improvement and satisfaction.

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