“Revitalize Your Day: 3 Proven Techniques to Reduce Stress in Just 15 Minutes”

A typical morning at Shelly’s house is filled with chaos. Her daughter wakes her up at 5 am, dogs whine for morning exercise, and her husband is a hibernating bear. All while trying to prevent a toddler meltdown, worrying about not making enough money, hosting dinner with her parents, and the holidays coming. The stress of modern life is overwhelming.

Shelly set out on a mission to research ways to reduce stress. While exercise can be an effective way to reduce stress, it isn’t always feasible. So what can we do to combat stress without hitting the gym? Shelly discovered three easy ways to reduce stress in just 15 minutes a day.

First, take a hot bath. Shelly heard about a study that showed 15 minutes a day in hot water can reduce anxiety more than anti-anxiety medication. A hot tub was hands down the most celebrated investment Shelly and her husband ever made. Although a hot bath every day might not be possible, it’s worth considering if you’re looking for a quick and effortless way to reduce stress.

Second, go outside. Shelly found that vitamin D kept showing up in her research and considered supplementing. However, spending 10-20 minutes outside each day can provide sufficient vitamin D and reduces stress levels, lowers blood pressure, and does many other good things for our bodies. Spending time outdoors and in nature is calming and a great way to reduce stress.

Lastly, laugh. Daily laughter can reduce stress considerably, and it’s fun! Whether it’s watching stand-up comedians, late-night talk shows, or making silly songs with the kids, laughing can take the edge off. Have you ever heard of laughter yoga? It’s the practice of laughing because you’ve decided to, not because anything is particularly funny. And once you start, laughter is contagious!

Shelly’s three favorite ways to reduce stress are all easy to incorporate into a daily routine and only take 15 minutes. These stress-reducing activities don’t require spending money on a gym membership or prescriptions for anti-anxiety medication. Reducing stress is essential in today’s world, and Shelly’s methods are practical and achievable.

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