The Power of Weaving Together Six Strands for a Strong Career Pattern
When it comes to making a strong rope, the key is to weave many strands together. The same goes for creating a strong, fulfilling pattern for your life and career. The most significant element is the balance between the six different strands that make up the complete career pattern. These strands include formulating a vision, turning it into a strategy, having the courage to make changes, establishing good habits, accepting day-to-day responsibility, and focusing on the present.
Creating a strong career pattern is not about completing each strand at all costs. It’s more about constantly shifting between strands over time. Here, we will dive deeper into the six strands and understand how to build a strong pattern for a successful career.
Strand 1: Formulating a Vision
To begin with, it’s essential to formulate a clear vision for your life and career. It involves dreaming of what you could and should become beyond your current life pattern and envisioning an overall sense of purpose and direction. This vision may seem insubstantial and vague to many “practical” people who dismiss it as mere day-dreaming. But without an overall direction and a clear set of values, it’s impossible to create a clear pattern, leading to a desired life and career goal.
Strand 2: Turning Vision into Strategy
Once you have a clear vision, the next step is to turn it into a strategy. It includes setting long-term actions, goals, and personal choices to fulfill your hopes and create a medium to long-term way for sustainable change. The downfall is that many people get stuck in creating strategies without moving on to strand three. As a result, they spend their lives creating strategy after strategy with no actual implementation.
Strand 3: Having the Courage to Make Changes
The third strand involves having the courage to make actual changes that will turn your strategic plans into action. It may seem easy to get stuck on this strand, just strategizing and scheduling, but it’s vital to know that the planning phase is only a set of broad ideas and goals. To turn them into actualities, we must find ways around obstacles and make the choices required to achieve our goals.
Strand 4: Establishing Good Habits
Strand 4 refers to the importance of establishing good habits. Having habits allows you to do things repeatedly, making predictable parts of your life and work sustainable. It’s not glamorous, but building good life habits and sticking with them for as long as needed provides credibility and takes time to deliver the desired results.
Strand 5: Accepting Responsibility
Accepting day-to-day responsibility for what happens in your life is basic when it comes to managing your career. If you neglect this strand, things will fall apart very quickly. Establishing strategic & habit-forming processes won’t help if they aren’t accompanied by accepting responsibility for your actions and embracing the accountability for your choices.
Strand 6: Focusing on the Present
It’s easy to get caught up in the future and miss what is happening at the moment. Strand 6 emphasizes the importance of focusing on the present. It’s only in the ‘now’ when one can take action towards their vision. If you have a weak strand 6, you’ll spend more time thinking about what needs to be done, leading to procrastination and putting things off for later.
Final Thoughts
Creating a strong career pattern involves weaving together the six strands with balance and shifting between them over time. It’s essential to have a clear vision, turn it into a strategy, have the courage to make changes, establish good habits, accept day-to-day responsibility, and focus on the present. Neglecting any of the six strands will weaken your decisions and lower your chances of success. Therefore, weaving all the strands together steadily and intentionally is the best way to create a career pattern with real strength and staying power.
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