Join These 7 LinkedIn Groups for Millennials to Boost Your Career

7 LinkedIn Groups That Every Millennial Should Join

LinkedIn is not just a social media website for job seekers and employers anymore. It is a platform for professionals to network, share knowledge, and learn from each other. One of the best ways to use LinkedIn is to join groups that cater to your interests and career aspirations. Here are seven LinkedIn groups that millennials should join to get the most out of this professional networking website.

1. NetParty
NetParty is a LinkedIn group that connects young professionals and millennials in over 20 cities across the United States. The group arranges networking events and get-togethers where members can meet each other in person. Joining this group eliminates the awkwardness of introductions and small talk, as members already have a connection through the online group. NetParty provides a great way to meet new people, make connections, and expand your professional network.

2. Band of Entrepreneurs
If you are an aspiring entrepreneur, Band of Entrepreneurs is the LinkedIn group for you. This group offers support and advice to entrepreneurs in areas that may be new to them, such as legal, PR, and tech support. Members can ask questions and seek guidance from their peers, making this group a valuable mentorship and learning resource. Whether you are starting a new business or trying to grow an existing one, this group can provide you with the advice and support you need.

3. Leadership Think Tank
If you are a career-driven millennial, you will benefit from joining the Leadership Think Tank LinkedIn group. This group allows members to discuss and share news articles, thoughts, and opinions about what’s trending in the world of leadership. By being part of this group, you can learn new ways of thinking about the business world and the role of leaders. Additionally, you can develop your own skillset to become a strong leader yourself.

4. Social Media Marketing
Social media marketing is a must for businesses in almost every industry. Joining the Social Media Marketing LinkedIn group can keep you up-to-date with the latest trends and news in the field. The group also has sub-groups that narrow down topics by industry, so you can read relevant articles that pertain to your line of work. Even if you are not on the marketing team, it is essential to stay informed about this ever-evolving industry.

5. Digital Marketing
Digital marketing is an all-encompassing field that includes search engine optimization, email marketing, and banner ads, among other things. The Digital Marketing LinkedIn group covers these and other topics in depth, making it an excellent resource for millennials looking to learn more about this field. Whether you are considering a career in digital marketing or starting your own business, this group is worth joining.

6. Young Professionals of…
There are numerous LinkedIn groups that bring together young professionals in the same area. By joining a group that caters to your location, you can connect with like-minded individuals who share your interests and career aspirations. These groups usually share job opportunities, tips, and information about industry events in your area, making them an invaluable resource for young professionals.

7. Project: Get Hired!
Looking for a job can be a daunting task. That’s why you should join the Project: Get Hired! LinkedIn group. Members of this group actively share tips on finding new positions and interviewing to get the job, as well as sharing job posts from around the country. Even if you are already employed, this group can help you advance in your career by providing valuable insights and advice from other professionals.

In conclusion, joining LinkedIn groups is an excellent way to meet new people, share ideas, and establish yourself as a thought leader in your industry. By joining these seven LinkedIn groups, you can network with like-minded professionals, learn new skills, and advance your career. Which LinkedIn groups are you a member of, and which ones are the most beneficial to your professional development? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

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