“Don’t Rush: Expert Advice for Students to Succeed”

5 Ways College Students Can Slow Down and Appreciate Their Surroundings

As a college student, it’s easy to get consumed by the fast pace of campus life. Between attending classes, participating in extracurricular activities, and keeping up with social obligations, it can feel like there’s hardly any time to stop and smell the roses. However, taking the time to slow down and appreciate one’s surroundings can offer numerous benefits, from gaining a greater appreciation for the history of one’s campus to discovering new places to study and relax. Here are five suggestions for college students looking to slow down and appreciate their surroundings:

1. Learn about the buildings on campus

Take a moment to learn about the buildings on your campus. Who designed them? What is their history and purpose? Noticing the details of buildings, such as old light fixtures and staircases worn from generations of shoes, can help build a greater appreciation for the history that you’re walking through every day.

2. Pay attention to campus monuments and portraits

Campus monuments and portraits can offer a glimpse into the history and memories of your college community. Take the time to appreciate commemorative plaques, presidential portraits, and memorials to alumni in military service. These reminders of past generations of endeavor can help foster a sense of community on campus that extends beyond one’s own time there.

3. Learn some campus legends and lore

Many college campuses have their own legends and stories, both natural and supernatural. Take some time to learn about the local lore, perhaps by researching clippings or microfilm in the library. This can add a level of intrigue to your everyday surroundings, and may even inspire ideas for writing or research projects.

4. Browse through old yearbooks

Yearbooks offer a unique glimpse into the lives of past generations of college students. By browsing through old yearbooks, you can come to appreciate the history and traditions of your college community. Consider how things were different back then, and what lessons can be learned from the experiences of earlier generations of students.

5. Explore unfamiliar parts of campus

Branch out and explore unfamiliar parts of your college campus. Be adventurous and curious – you might find an unexpected hidden gem, like a quiet corner of the library or a scenic spot to study outside. Exploring new parts of campus can help foster a sense of adventure and exploration, and can add excitement and variety to your everyday routine.

In conclusion, it’s important for college students to slow down and appreciate their surroundings. By learning about the history of campus buildings, paying attention to monuments and portraits, learning about campus legends and lore, browsing through old yearbooks, and exploring unfamiliar parts of campus, students can gain a greater appreciation for the community and history that surrounds them. In doing so, they may even find themselves better equipped to succeed in their academic and personal pursuits.

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