Boost Your Writing Efficiency with These 6 Time-Saving Tools

Time Management Tools for Academic Writing


When dealing with multiple papers and studying, time management becomes essential. This article will outline several tools and apps to aid in the academic writing process, thus increasing efficiency and effectiveness.

Heading 1: Citation Generator

One of the most time-consuming aspects of academic writing is the implementation of the required reference style. provides a solution, enabling students to automatically implement APA, Chicago or MLA style for free through their citation generator.

Heading 2: Focusing Tools

1. FocusWriter: The Internet is an environment full of distractions, and FocusWriter provides a clean space with a hidden user interface, allowing writers to focus and work more quickly.

2. Omm Writer: Providing a zen environment, Omm Writer is useful for students regardless of the paper type and helps to keep the mind unfocused on interferences during the writing process.

3. Q10: Clean environment that eliminates unnecessary distractions and allows writers to write faster through keyboard shortcuts.

4. WriteRoom: Provides reliable and safe backup and synchronization options that keep paranoid thoughts away and ensures the writer’s work is not lost.

Heading 3: Online Tutoring offers a convenient and effective way to communicate with tutors online, ensuring students save time and study in a more comfortable environment. Moreover, students can use this tool to teach other students if they feel they are an expert in the subject.

Heading 4: Keyboard Shortcuts

Write Monkey enables writers to use keyboard shortcuts, making the writing process up to 30% faster, while increasing effectiveness by having no need to move hands away from the keyboard during writing.


In conclusion, time-management skills and the use of modern technology are significant in the academic writing process. The use of citation generators, focusing tools, online tutoring, and keyboard shortcuts can aid students in writing more efficiently and effectively, thus providing more time to study for exams and other academic challenges.

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