“Boost Your Success: Top 5 Strategies for an Amazing Second Half of 2013”

Making the Second Half of 2013 Awesome: Tips and Tricks to Turn Goals into Reality

July has arrived, and we find ourselves at the halfway mark of 2013. It’s easy to feel as though the year has flown by, and some of us may find ourselves looking back at our New Year’s Resolutions with a sense of longing for lost time. However, it’s not too late to take control of the second half of the year and make it truly awesome. Here are some tips and tricks to turn your goals into reality, try new things, educate yourself, keep a journal, and focus on what’s working.

Set Some SMART Goals

One of the best ways to ensure that you stick to your priorities is to set SMART goals. SMART goals are specific, measurable, achievable (and attractive), realistic, and timed. Rather than having vague aspirations like “read more,” set a goal that is specific and tangible, such as “read 10 new books by the end of December 2013.” This goal is measurable, as it has a set number of books, is achievable and attractive if you enjoy reading books, and is realistic and timed since you have five months to achieve it. Limit yourself to two or three goals to ensure that you have the best chance of fulfilling them.

Try Something New, Just for Fun

What is life if not for its rich experiences? Many of us include new hobbies or activities in our plans but often find ourselves stuck in ruts and routines. Shake things up in the second half of the year by doing something new and fun. Join a book club, try a dance class, or make a commitment to take a walk somewhere different each month. The activity itself doesn’t matter as much as choosing something that breaks your routine and introduces variety into your life.

Educate Yourself

Taking time to learn a new skill can unleash your creativity and open up a wealth of new possibilities. Many of us have skills we’ve always wanted to learn, but we often use a lack of time as an excuse. Try limiting activities like TV and social media and give yourself the gift of education instead. Your local community college likely offers evening courses that offer a variety of topics you might enjoy.

Start Keeping a Journal

Journaling has a number of benefits. It helps you plan your next few months and stay conscious of what’s really important to you. Journaling is also a great way of keeping a record of everything you do, giving you space and time to explore your goals, ambitions, and desires for the remainder of the year and beyond. It provides a private space for expressing your deepest hopes, fears, and dreams while reflecting on any obstacles that might get in the way of your awesome 2013.

Focus on What’s Working

Whether you feel like the first half of 2013 was your best six months yet or are looking for ways to redeem the year, focusing on what’s working right now will help you develop a deeper appreciation for all the good things that are happening. Keep a gratitude log and write down five to ten things you appreciate or feel grateful for at the end of each day. This practice allows us to reflect back on the last few months, focusing on the good that has happened and helping us to be more positive about life in general.

In conclusion, take this opportunity to make the second half of 2013 awesome. Set SMART goals, try something new, educate yourself, start journaling, and focus on what’s working. Remember, it’s never too late to make positive changes in your life, and you’ll be surprised at what you can accomplish when you put your mind to it.

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