“Boost Your Public Speaking Skills with 10 Proven Memorisation Techniques”

How to Memorize a Speech: Tips and Techniques for Success

As someone who doesn’t relish the idea of public speaking, the prospect of memorizing a speech is daunting. Fortunately, there are a variety of techniques that can help you commit a speech to memory, whether it’s for a classroom presentation, a business pitch, or a wedding toast. Below, we’ll explore some tips and tricks to help you tackle this challenging task.

Start with Visualizing

Before you even attempt to memorize a speech, it’s important to get a sense of the substance of the speech. Spend some time reading through the text, perhaps even aloud if possible. Note any key phrases or concepts that stand out to you. Once you have a basic understanding of the speech, try to visualize it in your mind’s eye. This can help you create a mental blueprint for the speech, which will make it easier to memorize.

Create a Memory Palace

Another visual technique to consider is creating a memory palace. This involves visualizing a location (e.g. your childhood home) and mentally “placing” items you want to remember at various points within the location. For example, you might “place” the first paragraph of your speech in the entryway of your childhood home, the second paragraph in the living room, and so on. By mentally “walking” through this location, you can recall the speech more easily.

Use Image Association

If you’re more of a tactile learner, incorporating image association can be helpful. For each key concept or phrase in your speech, come up with a visual image to associate with it. For example, if your speech includes a discussion of the benefits of meditation, you might imagine a peaceful, serene garden. When you think of “meditation,” you’ll automatically associate it with this image, which can help you remember the content of your speech.

Utilize the Power of Blueberries

It may sound strange, but incorporating blueberries into your memorization practice can actually be helpful. The antioxidants in blueberries have been shown to improve cognitive function, which can make memorization easier. Try snacking on a handful of blueberries before you begin your memorization practice to give your brain an extra boost.

Practice with a Partner

If possible, try rehearsing your speech with a partner. Working with another person can help you identify any areas where you may be struggling, and can also give you someone to offer feedback and encouragement. It can also be helpful to have someone “quiz” you on your speech to test your recall.

Break the Speech Down into Sections

Rather than trying to memorize the entire speech at once, try breaking it down into smaller sections. Start with the first paragraph, for example, and rehearse it until you feel comfortable reciting it. Once you feel confident with that section, move on to the next. This approach can make memorization feel more manageable and can help prevent overwhelm.

Practice, Practice, Practice

Perhaps the most important tip of all is simply to practice your speech as much as possible. The more you rehearse, the more familiar the speech will become, making it easier to recall when the time comes to deliver it. Try practicing in different locations or situations to get used to performing the speech in different environments.


Memorizing a speech can be challenging, but it doesn’t have to be impossible. By utilizing visual techniques, practicing with a partner, and breaking the speech down into smaller sections, you can set yourself up for success. It’s also important to remember that practice makes perfect, so don’t be afraid to put in the time and effort necessary to truly commit the speech to memory.

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