Top 5 Alfred Extensions to Level Up Your Productivity
Alfred is a productivity app that has gained popularity among Mac users. It is a powerful tool that helps you do everything from searching for files to opening applications to controlling iTunes. While its free version offers a lot of features, the Alfred Powerpack provides even more. In addition to unlocking a ton of amazing new abilities like scripting and extra actions, the Powerpack allows you to install Alfred Extensions that take all the cool things you can do with Alfred and dials it up to an 11.
Right now there are hundreds of extensions available, and more are being added all the time. With such a vast selection, it can be overwhelming to know where to start. So, from the numerous options available, here are my top 5 Alfred Extensions to take your productivity to the next level:
1. Create a Task in Things:
My task manager of choice is Things, but yours might be OmniFocus or something else. Regardless, having an action to quickly create a to-do item just rocks. This extension saves you time by enabling you to add new tasks in Things without having to leave whatever you are working on.
2. Note taking extensions (like Evernote):
Note-taking is an essential part of every productivity system. This extension lets you add notes, search notes, and add tags to Evernote with a few keystrokes. I’m a big Evernote fan, and pretty much everything I save in Instapaper goes right into Evernote.
3. Extension Updater for Alfred:
Extensions in Alfred get updated now and then. Maybe there was a bug, maybe a new feature was added, or maybe a system update borked something. This extension checks for updates to your extensions automatically and updates them without requiring you to do anything.
4. iTunes now playing:
This extension might not be sexy, but it sure is useful! With iTunes now playing, you can quickly see what song is playing, which is especially useful if you have a lot of operas, concertos, symphonies, and such in your library and can’t keep all the tracks straight.
5. Open AirDrop:
If you work in an environment that relies on AirDrop to transfer files, you’ll find this extension handy. It eliminates the need to keep an AirDrop window open so the person can drop the file. With this extension, you just tappity-tap and send the file.
Before you download these and any other Alfred extensions, keep in mind that you don’t need to use an extension in sittings where it’s not entirely necessary. For example, you may not use the Extra capabilities provided in the extensions that frequently, and that’s okay. The extensions are built to simplify and enhance productivity, but you should only use them when you need them.
In conclusion, Alfred is an app that can be adapted to what you need and only what you need, and it still remains an essential part of your workflow. With the Alfred extensions mentioned above, you can significantly boost your productivity levels and take your work to the next level. The best thing is that these extensions are easy to download and use, and you can uninstall them if they are not helpful to you. So, pick one or all five of our top extensions and get that productivity boost you need!
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