“Boost Your Productivity with These 101 Amazing Keyboard Shortcuts – Your Ultimate LifeHack Guide!”

Keyboard Shortcuts: Boost Your Productivity with These 101 Tips

As our lives become increasingly digital, we spend an ever-increasing amount of time at our computers. Whether you’re a student, a professional, or simply someone who spends a lot of time in front of a screen, maximizing your productivity is key. Thankfully, there are a variety of keyboard shortcuts that can help you work more efficiently and save time.

Lifehack.org writer, Leo Babauta, has compiled a great list of keyboard shortcuts for a variety of apps in DumbLittleMan’s “Productivity Ninja” post. Whether you use Firefox, Gmail, Google Reader, Windows, Mac OS, or Microsoft Office software, there are a variety of shortcuts that can help you work more quickly and effectively.

Firefox Keyboard Shortcuts

Firefox is one of the most popular web browsers in use today, and there are a variety of keyboard shortcuts available that can make your browsing experience even smoother. Some of the most useful Firefox keyboard shortcuts include:

• Ctrl+T: Open a new tab
• Ctrl+Tab: Switch to the next tab
• Ctrl+Shift+T: Reopen the last closed tab
• Alt+D or Ctrl+L: Select the address bar
• Ctrl+K: Search bar

Gmail Keyboard Shortcuts

Gmail is another popular application, and there are many keyboard shortcuts available that can help you manage your email more easily. Some of the most useful Gmail keyboard shortcuts include:

• J and K: Move to the next or previous email
• N and P: Move to the next or previous message
• R: Reply to the selected email
• A: Reply-all to the selected email
• C: Compose a new email

Google Reader Keyboard Shortcuts

Google Reader is a popular RSS feed reader that allows you to keep track of your favorite websites and blogs. Here are some Google Reader keyboard shortcuts that can help you navigate the app more easily:

• J and K: Move to the next or previous article
• V: View the selected article
• O: Open the selected article
• S: Star or un-star the selected article
• Shift+A: Mark all articles as read

Windows Keyboard Shortcuts

Windows is one of the most popular operating systems in use today, and there are a variety of keyboard shortcuts that can help you work more efficiently. Some of the most useful Windows keyboard shortcuts include:

• Windows key: Open the start menu
• Windows key+D: Show the desktop
• Alt+Tab: Switch between open windows
• Ctrl+Shift+Esc: Open the task manager
• Windows key+L: Lock your computer

Mac OS Keyboard Shortcuts

Mac OS is another popular operating system, and there are many keyboard shortcuts that can help you work more effectively. Some of the most useful Mac OS keyboard shortcuts include:

• Command+N: New document or window
• Command+W: Close window or tab
• Command+Shift+A: Applications folder
• Command+Shift+3: Screenshot of entire screen
• Command+Shift+4: Screenshot of selected area

Microsoft Office Keyboard Shortcuts

Microsoft Office software is widely used in offices around the world, and there are a variety of keyboard shortcuts that can help you work more productively. Some of the most useful Office keyboard shortcuts include:

• Ctrl+N: New document
• Ctrl+S: Save the current document
• Ctrl+C: Copy selected text
• Ctrl+V: Paste text from clipboard
• Ctrl+Z: Undo the last action


Whether you’re a student, a professional, or simply someone who spends a lot of time in front of a screen, maximizing your productivity is key. Thankfully, there are a variety of keyboard shortcuts available that can help you work more efficiently and save time. By utilizing these keyboard shortcuts in a variety of apps, you’ll be able to streamline your workflow and get more done in less time.

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