Boost Your Productivity: 3 Effective Tricks for Better Focus and Enhanced Efficiency

3 Simple Tricks to Achieve Better Focus at Work and in Life

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to feel like we’re constantly pedaling but not getting anywhere. We desire to be more focused at work, perform our tasks more efficiently, and live a more meaningful existence. However, our goals keep getting disrupted, our lives interrupted. If this sounds familiar, don’t worry. With three simple tricks, you can tweak your way into achieving better focus and doing everything with more efficiency.

1. Turn off all of the notifications on your devices
Time commitment: Less than 1 minute

One of the easiest things you can do to be more focused is to remove distractions. Notifications like beeps from incoming emails, buzzes from new likes on Instagram, and friend requests are stealing your concentration. Go to ‘settings’ on your phone and turn them off.

If you feel like you can’t go without notifications, don’t panic. You can still view likes and notices later. Set aside a time when you can check your notifications, do so, and then switch off your phone. Return your focus to living the life you want, not one that is ruled by bleeps and buzzes.

2. Avoid reading your emails first thing in the morning
Time commitment: One week

Studies show that people are more creative and focused first thing in the morning. Don’t waste that precious energy getting side-tracked and stressed by reading emails. Instead, choose a task to focus on and hold off for thirty minutes or more before opening your inbox.

If you find that you’re addicted to email, it may take some time to wean yourself off. The more emails you have, the higher levels of stress you suffer. However, checking emails less frequently can reduce stress.

Removing emails from your daily life for one week can make an immense difference not only to your health but also your efficiency. Take that time to focus completely on your work, your family, and your friends. Pick a time during the day that you can dedicate to reading your emails.

3. Set aside time to meditate daily
Time Commitment: 2 to 10 minutes a day for 8 weeks

Meditation not only makes you healthier and less stressed, but it also changes the entire makeup of your brain. Eight weeks of daily meditation is all it takes to shrink the flight-or-fight primal instincts of your brain and grow the prefrontal cortex- that place associated with decision making and concentration.

By meditating, you are literally altering your brain for the better! You no longer just react to situations. Your brain creates a response time gap or pause between the situation and your actions become thoughtful instead of instinctive knee-jerk.

Studies show that people who have been regularly meditating for eight weeks have the same brain patterns when they are not meditating as those people who are in a state of meditation. Meaning, as a regular practitioner of meditation, you constantly exist in a calm, meditative state whether you are actually meditating or not.

There are apps available now that can guide you along the way with carving out time to meditate, like the popular Headspace 2.0.

In conclusion, making small tweaks to your daily routine can have a significant impact on your focus and efficiency. Sporadic notifications steal your attention from what’s important, checking emails too frequently creates stress, and meditation creates a more thoughtful response to situations. By dedicating less than one minute to turning off notifications, one week to breaking free from email, and 2 to 10 minutes a day for eight weeks to meditate, you can improve your life and achieve better focus at work and in your personal life.

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