Boost Your Day’s Fortune with These 6 Handy Items Always in Your Purse

7 Must-Have Items in Your Purse for Any Emergency Situation

We can all agree that a woman’s purse is her sanctuary, where she keeps all the necessary things for daily use. However, when it comes to emergency situations, we need to ensure that we are prepared with the right items in our purse. You never know what kind of situation you might find yourself in, but if you have these seven must-have items in your purse, you can easily tackle any emergency situation.

1. Spare Car Keys

Losing your car keys can be a nightmare, especially when you are away from home, and no one is available to help you out. You might find yourself stranded on the road with no way of getting home. Therefore, it is always recommended to keep a spare car key in your purse. It might seem like a trivial thing, but believe it or not, it can save your day.

2. A Pen

We cannot undermine the importance of having a pen in our purse. You never know when you might need to jot down an important note or fill out a form. And we’ve all been in that situation where we have to borrow a pen from someone else, and it’s an inconvenience for both of you. Therefore, keep a pen in your purse at all times, and you will be ready to tackle any situation that requires you to fill out a form and sign it.

3. Dental Floss

Dental floss might seem like an odd item to keep in your purse, but it is essential for maintaining good oral hygiene. And if you’re out on a date, and you happen to get something stuck in your teeth, dental floss can save the day. It’s a small item that takes up minimal space in your purse, but it’s worth its weight in gold in emergency situations.

4. A Small Pack Of Tissue

Spills happen, and we always have that one person in our friend circle who has a runny nose. Therefore, it’s always good to have a small pack of tissue in your purse. You never know when you might need it. From wiping away tears to cleaning up spills, tissue paper can help you tackle any emergency situation.

5. Sunglasses

Sunglasses are not just a fashion statement; they are an essential item for protecting your eyes from the sun’s harmful rays. When you’re on the road, and the sun is glaring in your eyes, it can be a safety hazard. A pair of sunglasses in your purse can help you drive safely and comfortably. It’s also handy when you want to avoid someone or need a moment of privacy.

6. A Few Coins

We’ve all been in that situation where we have to pay for something, and we’re short of change. Keeping a few coins in your purse can help you avoid such awkward situations. It’s also handy when you need to buy scratch-off lottery tickets, and your nails are too short.

7. Power Bank

In today’s age, where we are dependent on our smartphones for almost everything, a power bank is a must-have item in your purse. You never know when your phone battery might die, and you might need to make an emergency call. A power bank can save the day and keep you connected to the world.

In conclusion, these are just a few essential items that you should always keep in your purse. You never know when you might need them, and it’s better to be prepared than to regret it later. With these items in your purse, you can tackle any emergency situation with ease. So, make sure you have them in your purse at all times.

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