6 Crucial Steps to Better Sleep While Traveling
Traveling is a wonderful experience, but it can also be exhausting, especially when it comes to sleeping. Whether you’re switching time zones, sleeping on the plane, or adjusting to a new environment, getting a good night’s sleep is crucial to enjoying your trip fully.
Here are six important steps you can take to improve your sleep when traveling.
1. Modify your sleep.
Adjusting your sleep a few days before your trip can help you prepare for the impact of a new time zone. Start by tailoring your bedtime to match the schedule of your destination. This will help shift your eating habits, making it easier for you to adjust once you arrive.
Once you’re at your hotel or hostel, keep the blinds cracked open and wake up naturally to adjust to the new time zone. This will help you avoid jet lag and feel more refreshed during your trip.
2. Stay hydrated.
High altitudes and air purification can cause dehydration, leaving your body and skin dry. To combat this, increase your liquid intake 24-48 hours before your departure. When you’re on the plane, bring a large water bottle with you and avoid relying on the beverage carts for water. This will keep you hydrated and prevent grogginess when you wake up from rest.
3. Avoid red-eye flights.
Red-eye flights may sound appealing for maximizing your time, but they can wreak havoc on your sleep schedule. Unless it’s necessary for international travel, it’s best to avoid red-eye flights. They disrupt your sleep schedule, making it difficult to catch up on rest during your trip.
4. Reduce stimuli.
When it’s time to sleep, turn off any electronic devices and reduce the amount of stimuli in your environment. This means avoiding computers, TV, and smartphones for at least an hour before bedtime. Listen to calming music instead of rock or other stimulating types of music that may prevent you from getting the rest you need.
5. Dress for comfort.
When it comes to sleeping on the plane, comfort is key. Dress in comfortable clothes, such as sweatpants, short sleeves, and a hoodie or sweatshirt. Make sure you’re dressed for the part before leaving for the airport. Wearing comfortable clothing ensures that your body is at ease and you’re more likely to get some shut-eye.
6. Focus on the food.
What you eat will largely impact how you feel during a flight and how well you sleep. If you eat foods that are heavy and difficult to digest, your body will have a hard time settling down. Instead, eat a decent-sized meal before your long flight and snack on light foods like nuts, fruits, or vegetables during the flight. This will ensure that if you do get some sleep, you’ll be able to awaken without feeling groggy.
In conclusion, traveling can be a fantastic experience, but it’s essential to get a good night’s sleep to enjoy it fully. Be proactive and follow these six steps to ensure that you sleep well during your trip. By modifying your sleep, staying hydrated, avoiding red-eye flights, reducing stimuli, dressing for comfort, and focusing on your diet, you’ll be ready to tackle any adventure that comes your way. Bon voyage!
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