7 Ways to Get Kids Motivated When They Don’t Want to Do Anything

Finding ways to motivate children when uninterested in the subject can take time and effort. But with some creativity, you can find ways to inspire them. This blog will provide some ideas to spark your imagination.

Why Do Children Lose Motivation?

Most kids would instead do nothing than complete the minor chores or schoolwork. Does that ring a bell?

The silver lining is that you’re not the only parent who wishes there was a magic bullet to get their kid to do better. However, the negative side is that you can’t always influence your child’s actions or supply them with the same drive you had.

Frequently, kids will lose interest in things they formerly found enjoyable. As children grow up, their passions and hobbies change in fascinating ways. In the blink of an eye, the things that once inspired your kid could now have no bearing on their life.

It’s not the external rewards so much as the internal motivation that comes into play when a child is doing something that they find rewarding. A child’s motivation might be affected by various artificial influences that exist outside of the classroom.

Unmotivated children may be viewed as lazy by onlookers. However, what is laziness, if not a complete lack of initiative?

Even if they don’t spend the day in bed (which could indicate sadness), their motivation is still there; it’s just not where you’d expect it to be.

Unfortunately, there is no foolproof method of inspiring kids. However, there are some methods for inspiring children that are more successful than others and are well worth a shot.

1. Plant Ideas for Your Kid’s Life Plan

Most kids don’t have to worry about anything beyond the basics, since their parents take care of them at all times (and may even treat them to the occasional treat if they can afford it). They have yet to experience adulthood. Therefore they need to figure out what to expect. This is why many adolescents lack responsibility as they mature.

The good news is that you can choose between two approaches to waking your youngster. First, if your adolescent refuses to study because they feel it is pointless, you should inform them of the outcomes for the vast majority of high school dropouts. Carefully hint that your child’s holy dream probably does not involve working long hours with poor pay without offending anyone.

Step two is to introduce your child to other exciting fields they might wish to enter. Focus on their abilities and interests in conversation. Then, mention several areas of interest and the requisite skills.

Some careers, like medicine, music, or entrepreneurship, could spark your child’s interest. The time is now to refrain from criticizing. When your kid discovers a promising path forward, they’ll be much more motivated to work on it.

2. Correct Your Parental Expectations

A lack of motivation could result from the youngster being overly critical of themselves for not meeting their parents’ lofty expectations. Therefore, a child won’t try anything new since they are afraid of being ridiculed.

Here’s a way to fix that. You may objectively evaluate your child’s skills and potential and avoid expecting too much. Your youngster will be more engaged in schoolwork if they can devote time to the things that make them happy.

If your child, for example, enjoys history class more than math class, you should encourage this preference and show your enthusiasm for history. Indicating your willingness to assist them or join in on their pastime will show them how much you value their interests.

3. Shift Attitudes

The more effort you put into using a motivation to modify your child’s conduct, the younger they are. Let’s say, for example, that you hope your three-year-old will develop a lifelong habit of helping out around the house. How do you encourage a young child to take action?

Children at this age learn most through observing and mimicking their elders. As a result, you may set an excellent example for your kid and teach them that working for and accomplishing even modest objectives is rewarding.

Successful outcomes can only be achieved if the chance to achieve them is made available. Making the process manageable and simple will encourage your child to try it repeatedly.

4. Find a good reason to do the “boring stuff.”

Isn’t it funny how many parents gripe that their children despise doing household tasks? How often do you run into an adult or a kid that loves it that much?

Many of us are motivated to clean, scrub, and cook to make our homes more hospitable, which is only natural. It’s up to us as mature people, but children don’t have the same agency.

A tangible reward is sometimes the only way to get kids interested in doing chores around the house. An individual’s drive to do a task in exchange for an extrinsic reward, such as praise or money, is known as extrinsic motivation.

But think carefully about what you want to give your kid as a reward for finishing their duties. Insist that it be suitable for the age group in question. Even if their work could be better, it’s essential to let them know they’ve done well.

5. Praise the Process as Much as the Result

The response of adults is crucial to the internal drive of young children and primary school students. Motivating a child at this age is very different from encouraging a youngster in middle or high school. There are three significant blunders you should avoid:

They showed a youngster how to do anything before they figure it out on their own, being unsupportive when a kid tries something and fails, and refusing to assist a kid in mastering a new skill.
Young people are sensitive to criticism and require continual praise. Instead of praising a good outcome (such as when a youngster finishes a puzzle), comment on how much you appreciated their persistence.

6. Offer Your Help

Your child can be quickly motivated to do well in the future if they have experienced success. Sadly, many children are too scared to try new things for fear of failing at them.

And what exactly can you do about it? Please help your child succeed by breaking down the job into manageable chunks, agreeing on intermediate objectives, and providing encouragement and support when they are reached.

Make sure you’re not doing their job for them. Whether for fun or school, reading aloud and discussing what you learn is a great way to build knowledge and understanding. Help them figure it out independently as you stay by their side.

Don’t set a deadline or say things like, “You’re wasting my time” or “How many times do I have to show you this?” Do not show your disappointment if they fall short of your expectations. Instead, it would be best if you encouraged them to enjoy expanding their knowledge.

7. Don’t Blame Your Child for Their Personality

Sometimes, no matter how many hours you spend trying to get your child to do something, it may not matter how hard you try or who is to blame. It all depends on the child’s personality, which rarely matches what we want them to be.

You might need help getting your son to do chores like cleaning his room and doing laundry. You can argue with him and beg him to listen, and he might give in on occasion. Nothing you can say or do will persuade him to adopt your standards of cleanliness if he does not already.


Motive is the key to getting started and staying with any project. So, losing it hurts one’s chances of succeeding. It’s not static, and the above methods can help you keep it healthy.

So, don’t lose your cool, be patient, and explore alternative strategies. No matter how well your child does academically or how well they behave, the essential thing you can do is to surround them with love and care.


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