7 Surprising Words from a Father’s Reply to “Rude” by Magic!

Why the Cowarts Took Issue with “Rude” by Magic!
Examining the Original Lyrics and the Cowart’s Parody
The Importance of a Father Protecting His Daughter’s Best Interests

Some people are calling “Rude” by Magic! the song of the summer, but one man and woman saw a problem with the lyrics and sought to fix it. The original lyrics tell the story of a romantic young man seeking to marry the love of his life, only to get shot down by the girl’s father. He asks the father, “Why you gotta be so rude? Don’t you know I’m human, too?” Most listeners probably sympathize with the singer, but not Benji and Jenna Cowart.

The couple took to their YouTube channel to post a parody of the tune. Instead of the question above, Benji Cowart asks, “Why you gotta call me rude, for doing what a dad should do?” With their video, the Cowarts seek to show how protecting your daughter from a man who may not be in her best interest is not something to be looked down upon.

The original lyrics from “Rude” by Magic! may come across as sweet and romantic on the surface, but when examined closely, it’s clear that the story is rather problematic. The man singing is only thinking about his own desires and doesn’t consider the father’s reasons for saying no.

On the other hand, the Cowart’s parody shows the father in a positive light, as someone who is simply looking out for his daughter’s best interests. In their version of the story, the daughter’s boyfriend is not entitled to her hand in marriage simply because he loves her. The father’s concerns about the future of his daughter’s relationship are valid, and he is rightly protecting her from potential heartbreak or harm.

While some might brush off the Cowart’s parody as overly protective or old-fashioned, it’s important to remember that fathers have a crucial role to play in their daughter’s lives. Especially given the multitude of negative messages and societal pressures that young women face, a father who actively shows love, support, and guidance can make a world of difference.

Furthermore, while the focus in the original “Rude” lyrics is on the boyfriend’s romantic pursuit of the girl, there’s little consideration for the girl herself. What does she want? Does she feel the same way about the boy, or is she simply being pressured into a relationship by his advances?

Now, more than ever, it’s important to recognize the importance of women’s autonomy and their right to choose their own paths in life. The Cowart’s parody puts the focus back on the girl herself, and whether or not the relationship is healthy and in her best interests.

In conclusion, while “Rude” by Magic! may be catchy and fun to sing along to, it reinforces some problematic ideas about relationships and the role of fathers. The Cowart’s parody serves as a reminder that fathers have a responsibility to protect their daughters, and that relationships should be based on mutual respect and consent.

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