“7 Surprising Ways You’re Exposed to Harmful Oral Bacteria”

The Importance of Good Oral Hygiene: 7 Ways to Cultivate Healthy Mouth Bacteria


The human body is home to various types of bacteria, including those in the gut that aid in digestion. However, not all bacteria are beneficial, especially if they are present in the mouth. Harmful microbes can cause health problems when they enter the bloodstream through the mouth, leading to various organ damage. Thus, cultivating healthy mouth bacteria is essential to maintaining good oral hygiene and overall health. In this article, we discuss seven ways to promote good mouth bacteria and reduce the risks of harmful ones.

1. Avoiding Sugary Foods:

Sugar is the primary energy source for bacteria in the mouth. When we consume sugary treats without brushing, microbes can multiply rapidly, leading to the formation of plaque and tooth decay. Besides, sugary, starchy, or any food that gets stuck in your teeth can aggravate the growth of mouth bacteria, causing bad breath.

2. Washing Hands before Eating:

Our hands meet all sorts of germs and bacteria on the surfaces we touch. Eating without washing hands can transfer harmful bacteria into our mouth, leading to infections, colds, and influenza. Washing hands frequently with soap and water can destroy the hidden germs and reduce the risk of getting infections.

3. Avoiding Nail-Biting:

Nail-biting is a common habit among people of all ages. However, our fingernails are often the dirtiest part of our body, attracting disease-causing bacteria. Therefore, if you frequently bite your nails, bacteria can transfer to your mouth, leading to various health problems. To prevent this, make a habit of washing hands and cleaning nails regularly.

4. Quitting Smoking:

Smoking is disastrous for our respiratory system and overall health. Besides, it causes yellowing of teeth, gum damage, and enhanced bacterial growth along the teeth and gum line. Smokers are at greater risk of developing oral cancer, leading to tooth loss and affecting jaw bones and tissues.

5. Avoiding Saliva Transfer:

Saliva transfer occurs when we share lip balms, toothbrushes, or even kiss. If the partner has mouth bacteria, they can pass it on to the other one, leading to various diseases, infections, and colds. Parents should avoid kissing children as much as possible, as children don’t have the same immunity to oral bacteria as adults.

6. Cleaning Eating Utensils Properly:

Untidy utensils, lunch boxes, and dirty plates can attract dangerous bacteria, leading to the transfer of microbes to food and ultimately our mouth. Food stains and improper washing can become breeding grounds for disease-causing bacteria like salmonella and E.coli. To ensure bacteria-free utensils and food, clean regularly with antibacterial soap.

7. Keeping the Fridge Clean:

Bacteria can survive in freezing temperatures and spread rapidly, even in chilled environments like refrigerators. Therefore, it’s essential to regularly clean kitchen appliances like refrigerators, cooking utensils, and surfaces to maintain a bacteria-free living environment and healthy mouth bacteria.


Oral hygiene is essential for overall health, and cultivating healthy mouth bacteria is part of maintaining good oral hygiene. Our body has different types of bacteria, and some are good for digestion, while others are harmful. Therefore, we can reduce the risks of harmful bacteria by adopting these seven practices to cultivate healthy mouth bacteria. By following these simple steps, and with well-maintained oral hygiene habits, we can reduce risks, improve our overall health, and lead happier, healthier lives.

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