“7 Surprising Ways This Fun Activity Can Help You Become an Early Riser, Backed by Science”

The Benefits of Being a Morning Person: Resetting Your Circadian Rhythm with Camping

Are you tired of feeling sluggish and groggy in the morning? Do you envy those who seem to effortlessly wake up before the sun rises? Perhaps it’s time to consider becoming a morning person yourself, and camping might just be the solution to help you reset your circadian rhythm.

What is Circadian Rhythm?

According to the National Institute of General Medical Studies, circadian rhythms are “physical, mental and behavioral changes that follow a roughly 24-hour cycle, responding primarily to light and darkness in an organism’s environment.” Our bodies are naturally designed to wake up when the sun rises and wind down when the sun sets, but modern technology and artificial lighting have disrupted this natural process.

The Impact of Electrical Light on Circadian Rhythm

Nowadays, we can do pretty much anything we want at any time of the day thanks to electrical light. We can work late into the night, binge-watch TV shows until the early hours of the morning, and scroll through social media until our eyes hurt. However, studies have shown that our overexposure to electrical light has decreased our exposure to natural sunlight during the day and increased our exposure to light after sunset, which can delay our circadian rhythm and disrupt our sleep patterns.

How Camping Can Help Reset Your Circadian Rhythm

When you go camping, you’re forced to disconnect from the digital world and rely on natural light. Waking up with the sunrise and falling asleep shortly after sunset can help regulate your body’s natural clock and reset your circadian rhythm. By spending time in nature, you can also benefit from increased exposure to natural light during the day, which can improve your mood, energy levels, and overall health.

Tips for Planning a Camping Trip

If you’re not an experienced camper, planning a trip might seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. Here are some tips to help you plan your first camping trip:

1. Choose the right location: Look for a campsite that’s situated in a natural setting, away from the noise and distractions of civilization. National parks are great options for camping, as they offer plenty of natural beauty and opportunities for outdoor activities.

2. Choose the right gear: Invest in quality camping gear, such as a tent, sleeping bag, and camp stove. Make sure your gear is suitable for the environment and weather conditions you’ll be encountering.

3. Plan your meals: Camping requires planning when it comes to meals. Make a list of the foods you’ll need and pack a cooler with plenty of healthy snacks and meals for the duration of your trip.

4. Stay safe: Familiarize yourself with the local wildlife and make sure to store your food properly to avoid attracting animals. Bring a first-aid kit, plenty of water, and a map or GPS device to help you navigate.


Becoming a morning person can have numerous benefits, from improved productivity to better overall health. If you’re struggling to wake up early, consider planning a camping trip to reset your circadian rhythm and immerse yourself in nature. Not only will you improve your chances of waking up earlier, but you’ll also reap the physical and mental benefits that come with spending time in the great outdoors. So pack your bags and head out on your next camping adventure!

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