7 Surprising Habits of Successful Innovative Thinkers That You Need to Adopt Now

Brilliant Thinkers Relish Ambiguity

Ambiguity is often seen as something to be avoided, as it creates uncertainty and makes it difficult to make decisions. However, for brilliant thinkers, ambiguity is something to be welcomed and embraced. These individuals understand that complex issues are rarely simple and may require multiple, conflicting solutions.

Routine thinkers, on the other hand, crave simplicity and clarity. They want to follow a single path and avoid any potential obstacles or challenges. While this approach may work well in some situations, it often leads to a narrow-minded perspective and a lack of creativity.

Brilliant thinkers, on the other hand, relish ambiguity and are comfortable exploring multiple possibilities. They challenge conventional wisdom and are always seeking creative solutions to complex problems. This approach can be frustrating to those around them, who may see it as indecisiveness. However, it is this willingness to consider all possibilities that often leads to groundbreaking innovations and advancements.

Examples of Brilliant Thinkers

Albert Einstein is perhaps the most famous example of a brilliant thinker who embraced ambiguity. His theory of relativity challenged the traditional view of time and space, suggesting that these concepts were not immutable but rather could be influenced by gravitational forces. This revolutionary idea fundamentally changed our understanding of the universe.

Niels Bohr was another brilliant thinker who understood the power of ambiguity. He made significant breakthroughs in physics by thinking of light as both a stream of particles and a wave, a concept that was initially met with skepticism but ultimately helped to advance our understanding of quantum mechanics.

Pablo Picasso was a brilliant artist who was not afraid to challenge convention. He painted both classical portraits and cubist representations of people, blending multiple perspectives and styles to create something entirely new and unique.

Embracing Ambiguity: How to Welcome the Unknown

So how can we learn to embrace ambiguity in our own lives and work? The first step is to acknowledge that there are few absolute truths and that opposing viewpoints may both be valid. Rather than seeing this as a weakness or a lack of clarity, we should view it as an opportunity to explore new ideas and possibilities.

Cognitive dissonance, the concept of holding two opposing ideas in our minds at the same time, is something that many brilliant thinkers practice regularly. By considering the interaction of two seemingly incompatible ideas, we can often uncover new and innovative solutions to complex problems.

For example, Trevor Bayliss was able to conceive of the clockwork radio by imagining the combination of two very different concepts: a wind-up clock and an electrically operated radio. While many of us would dismiss this idea as incongruous or impractical, Bayliss saw beyond the limitations and recognized the potential impact it could have on people in the developing world who did not have access to reliable electricity or batteries.


Embracing ambiguity is not always easy, as it requires us to step outside our comfort zones and challenge our own preconceived notions. However, by doing so, we open ourselves up to new and exciting possibilities that we might never have otherwise considered. Brilliant thinkers understand that innovation often arises from the collision of opposing ideas and welcome ambiguity as an essential part of the creative process.

So the next time you are faced with a complex problem, try to embrace ambiguity and explore all possible solutions, even those that may seem contradictory or unlikely. You never know what brilliant ideas may emerge from the process.

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