7 Shocking Misconceptions About Menstruation You Need to Know Now

Breaking the Myths: Understanding Menstruation through ASAPScience and iiSuperwomanii

Menstruation has long been a tabooed topic in many societies. Women are often made to feel ashamed or embarrassed because of a bodily function that is a natural part of our reproductive system. This is why the informative video created by ASAPScience featuring comedian iiSuperwomanii is a breath of fresh air. The video is not only entertaining, but it is also incredibly important in breaking the myths and misunderstandings surrounding menstruation.

PMS: Real or Myth?

One of the most common myths about menstruation is that PMS (Pre-Menstrual Syndrome) is not a real thing. However, studies have shown that PMS is a legitimate medical condition that affects millions of women. PMS is a combination of physical and emotional symptoms that occur in the days or weeks leading up to a woman’s period. Symptoms may include abdominal bloating, breast pain, headaches, acne, and mood swings.

ASAPScience explains that PMS is caused by hormonal changes in the body, specifically a drop in estrogen and progesterone. These hormones affect the levels of serotonin in the brain, which can cause changes in mood, appetite, sleep, and energy levels. So, it’s not just a figment of our imagination – PMS is real and can be quite challenging for many women.

The Monthly Menstruation Cycle

Another myth that needs to be debunked is the lack of understanding regarding the menstrual cycle itself. Many women are not taught about the menstrual cycle in depth, which can lead to misconceptions and misunderstandings. ASAPScience and iiSuperwomanii break down the menstrual cycle into three main phases:

1. Follicular Phase: This is the phase between the end of your last period and ovulation (approximately day 14 of your cycle). During this time, the body is preparing to release an egg from the ovaries.

2. Ovulation: This is when the ovary releases an egg into the fallopian tube. This usually happens around day 14 of the menstrual cycle.

3. Luteal Phase: This is the phase between ovulation and the start of your next period. If the egg is fertilized during this phase, it will implant itself in the uterus and begin to grow. If not, the lining of the uterus will shed, which results in menstruation.

Understanding the menstrual cycle not only helps women to track their ovulation and periods, but it also allows them to be more informed about their reproductive health.

Menstruation and Society

The video also touches on the societal stigmas that surround menstruation. Menstruation is often considered a “dirty” or “shameful” topic, which can lead to women feeling embarrassed or ashamed of their bodies. This stigma is especially prevalent in developing nations where menstruation is not openly discussed or where poverty prevents women from having access to adequate menstrual products.

ASAPScience and iiSuperwomanii encourage women to embrace their bodies and to not feel ashamed or embarrassed about menstruation. Instead, they state that we should celebrate the incredible feat that women’s bodies perform every month. Menstruation is the body’s way of preparing for pregnancy, and it is a reminder of how amazing the female body truly is.

In addition to celebrating women’s bodies, the video encourages men to be more understanding and supportive of the women in their lives who experience menstruation. Menstruation affects half the population, and it should not be a taboo or shameful topic. Men can help by being more open and communicative about menstruation, and by supporting women who are going through PMS, cramps, and other symptoms.


ASAPScience and iiSuperwomanii’s video is a refreshing and informative look at a topic that is often misunderstood and shamed in our society. The video breaks down the myths surrounding menstruation and encourages women to be proud of their bodies. It also encourages men to be more understanding and supportive of the women in their lives.

It is important that we continue to have open conversations about menstruation and reproductive health. The more we educate ourselves and each other, the more we can break down the stigmas and misconceptions that surround menstruation. So, let’s celebrate our amazing bodies and embrace all that makes us uniquely female.

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