“7 Proven Strategies to Cultivate an Entrepreneurial Mindset in Your Kids [Infographic]”

Teaching Life Lessons outside of the Classroom: A Guide for Parents

Education is undoubtedly crucial in ensuring a child’s success and development into a productive adult. Schooling provides a foundation for learning that is vital for future opportunities and career paths. However, some things cannot be learned inside the classroom alone. The lessons that we learn in life through real-world experiences are just as valuable. As parents, it is our responsibility to provide our children with a well-rounded education that incorporates both academic and life lessons.

Successful Entrepreneurs as Inspiration

There are plenty of stories of people who did not excel in school but managed to succeed once they entered the world of adults. One of the most notable examples of this is Sir Richard Branson, the founder of Virgin Group. Branson began his entrepreneurial journey at the young age of 16 when he founded his own student magazine. This venture served as a launching pad for his illustrious career, which eventually made him one of the wealthiest men in history.

Many other notable names have found success outside of the standard academic route. HowStuffWorks has compiled a list of 15 people, including Mark Zuckerberg, Rachel Ray, and Ellen DeGeneres, who achieved great success despite dropping out of school. These individuals learned valuable life lessons outside the classroom and used them to their advantage.

It is essential to note that not every child will become a successful entrepreneur, but the qualities that make an entrepreneur successful in life will help them in any career they pursue. As parents, we can instill these qualities in our children through our actions and the life lessons we teach them.

Teaching Children to be Entrepreneurial

To help parents instill an entrepreneurial mindset in their children, Noticeboards Online has created an infographic titled ‘How To Teach Your Children To Be Entrepreneurial.’ The infographic outlines various life lessons children may not learn in school and discusses why parents should consider teaching them. Here are some of the lessons the infographic covers:

1. Encourage Creativity and Innovation: This is an excellent lesson for children to learn, as it encourages them to think outside the box and explore new and exciting ideas.

2. Teach Them to Take Risks: Risk-taking is a crucial component of entrepreneurship. Encouraging children to take calculated risks and not be afraid of failure can help them develop the resilience they need to succeed.

3. Teach Them to Network: Networking is vital in every industry. Giving children the opportunity to build relationships and connections early on can help them in the long run.

4. Show Them the Value of Money: Children should learn the value of a dollar and understand how money works. Teaching them the importance of saving, budgeting, and managing money can help set them up for financial success.

5. Encourage Them to Find Their Passions: Finding what they love to do and pursuing it can help children find fulfillment and success in their careers.

These are just some of the valuable life lessons parents can teach their children to help them develop an entrepreneurial mindset. By instilling these values and qualities in our children, we are helping them develop the tools they need to succeed in any career they choose.


Education is essential, but it is not the only thing that determines a child’s success. As parents, it is our responsibility to teach our children life lessons that are not always taught inside the classroom. Encouraging creativity, risk-taking, networking, understanding the value of money, and finding their passions are just some of the ways we can help our children develop an entrepreneurial mindset. By teaching these life lessons, we are helping our children develop the tools they need to succeed in life, no matter what path they choose to take.

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