7 Proven Strategies for a Successful Career Progression within a Company

Strategies for Rising Up Ethically in Your Company

For those seeking to have a positive impact and become more influential within their organizations, there are ethical strategies you can employ to move up the ranks. The following steps are based on my experience of rising to a high-level position within a competitive government department in just five years. By following these guidelines, you can develop a rock-solid reputation, gain respect, and increase your chances of achieving your career goals.


1. Proactively identify the company’s biggest problems and contribute to solving them:
Take the initiative to design and deliver training sessions to staff or identify and resolve company-wide issues. Express your interest in identifying problems and taking steps to solve them, making yourself a valuable asset to the company. By taking on unique and often complex tasks, you can create a role that is specifically yours and become a company-focused problem solver.

2. Support your manager:
Your boss is likely to serve as a referee for you, so it is essential to make their job easier and support them as much as possible. Do not become their slave, but recognize that helping to manage difficulties, pressures, and workload can be advantageous. By remaining positive, you can establish yourself as a team player and dependable employee.

3. Ask for more challenging work:
A great way to showcase your ambition and willingness to grow is by telling your boss you are interested in extra-ordinary tasks and developmental opportunities that enable you to stretch your comfort zone. Share your hopes of moving up the ranks and inform your boss of your desire for autonomy and increased responsibility.

4. Self-promote shamelessly:
While you don’t want to come across as bragging, find opportunities to showcase your expertise to others. Send out emails to members of the company with regular recommendations or tips, for example. Establishing a newsletter or conference can also help get your name out there. The goal is to make people aware of your skill sets, knowledge and experience, as well as establish yourself as a thought leader in your industry.

5. Get a coach:
One of the most effective ways to grow in your career is by seeking out mentoring opportunities. Look for opportunities to work with people higher up in the company, learn from them, and take their advice. By gaining the respect of senior professionals, you can demonstrate your commitment, improve your performance, and increase your chances of furthering your career.

6. Always own your mistakes and take responsibility for correcting them:
It is natural not to want to admit when we are wrong, but being honest and taking responsibility can be more effective in the long term. Accept the error, fix it, learn from it and move on. By admitting to mistakes, you can demonstrate integrity, avoid disputes, and help to establish yourself as a leader.

7. Take every development opportunity:
By showcasing your willingness to learn, improve, and evolve, you can impress higher-ups and contribute to the company’s success. Attend workshops and conferences, pursue additional training, and seek out new experiences that help you develop expertise. By demonstrating your commitment to growth and willingness to learn, you can become an irreplaceable asset to the company.


1. Send emails or written communication in the heat of the moment:
When you receive an email or phone call that angers, upsets, or frustrates you, take the time to think before responding. Draft a response and then put it aside for a day before you send it. Try to respond to the sender in a way that shows professionalism and diplomacy. Do not send messages that are rude, unprofessional, or filled with emotion, and seek to diffuse conflict when possible.

2. Formally challenge a hiring decision:
It can be incredibly frustrating when you miss out on a promotion, but challenging the decision will lead to outcomes ultimately not in your favor. By questioning the decision, you can make the hiring panel regard you in a different light. If you receive feedback, take note of it, and use it to improve for the next time.

3. Go over your boss’s head (unless you have a legitimate complaint):
If you suspect that your manager is preventing you from advancing in your career, don’t backstab them by complaining to their superiors. Instead, seek out advice from a union representative or other advocate. If you have no other choice, openly inform your boss that you are escalating the matter appropriately.

Closing Thoughts

By incorporating these strategies into your workplace approach, you can become highly regarded, successful, and valuable to your organization. By consistently demonstrating your expertise, commitment, passion, and dedication, you can achieve your career objectives ethically and be remembered as an excellent asset to any organization. So, go ahead; seize the opportunity to gain respect, influence change, and rise the ranks of your organization.

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