7 Life-changing Truths to Help You Find Your Perfect Partner

How to Find the Perfect Person to Spend Your Life With

One of the most difficult things in life is to find the perfect person to spend it with. It’s hard knowing what to look for in a person, and what you should expect from them. Many people find “love” several times throughout their life, but this “love” you feel doesn’t necessarily mean that this person is meant to be your life partner—you know, the person you grow old with. However, there are a few basic truths you need to discover to help you find that perfect person.

1. Choose Someone Who Makes You Smile

Smiling is an important part of being in a relationship. It shows that you are happy, and that this person is the one making you happy. A person with this quality could potentially be your life partner.

2. Choose Someone Who Keeps You Focused

Everybody has certain goals in life that they want to achieve. You want to make sure that the person you choose to spend the rest of your life with will help you strive to achieve those goals. You don’t want someone who’s going to distract you, or keep you from living your dreams.

3. Choose Someone Who Supports Your Ideas

Many times in a relationship, one of you will come up with an idea, whether it’s which movie to see, or what color to paint the kitchen, or what restaurant to eat at. Trying new things and supporting one another’s thoughts is definitely a key to having a partner for life.

4. Choose Someone Who Has the Same Morals & Values

Another component of a healthy relationship that will last a lifetime is one where the two of you share the same morals and values. While there are relationships that work where some of these aspects may be different, in order to be truly happy, you need to believe in what they believe in, and they need to believe in what you believe in.

5. Discover a Mutual Reality

This could mean several different things. Essentially, it’s important for the two of you to be on the same page. Whether that means living within your means, or striving for a better life. Whatever town, city, or country you live in, you want to make sure you’re living a realistic life. This could also include the number of children, if any, that the two of you want to have. If you want two and they want six, but you “settle” on three, it’s possible one of you will not be happy, or will resent each other for the decision later in life.

6. Choose Someone Who Respects You

Respect is a major component of a relationship, especially one that is long-lasting. Your thoughts, opinions, feelings, and person all need to be respected in order to be truly happy. In addition, you’ll want to be able to return the gesture and respect the one you’re with. If this cannot be accomplished on one side or the other, then you have not found your partner for life.

7. Find Someone On Your Level

Finding someone who is on your level is not about finding someone from the same financial background. This could mean just finding someone who has the same education level, or personality level, or adventurous attitude. If you are an adventurous person, you would not find true happiness with someone who is a home-body. If you are an avid reader of classic literature, you may not find happiness with someone who reads only magazine articles.

When looking for your life partner, there are many aspects of personality to consider. You want to make sure you can both be equally happy for a long time. Although opposites attract, so they say, being so different from someone could really put a strain on your relationship and damage your dreams that this person could be your life partner. Take the time to focus on what you want out of life, what your goals are, and where you see yourself in the future. Find someone who can complement who you are and wish to become.

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