“7 Eye-Opening School Commutes That Will Inspire You to Appreciate Education”

The Risky Journeys of Students around the World to Get Education

For most of us, getting to school was a routine experience. We would either catch the bus, get dropped off by our parents, or walk a couple of blocks to school. However, there were times when we were late, and we would give excuses like traffic, the bus breaking down, or getting lost while talking with friends. In general, we took our education for granted, knowing that classes would always be in session, and all we had to do was get to school on time. But not all students are that fortunate. There are kids all around the world who face dangerous journeys to get to school, and their experiences make us realize how lucky we are to be able to access education so easily.

Children in Sanghiang Tanjung, Indonesia have to cross a broken suspension bridge to reach their school. This experience is not only frightening but can also be life-threatening for these young children. Similarly, children from Batu Busuk village in Sumatra, Indonesia, have to tightrope walk 30 feet above a flowing river, followed by a 7-mile walk just to get an education. In the Philippines, elementary school students use inflated tubes to cross a river on their way to school in Rizal Province, followed by at least one hour of walking. In Vietnam, students have to swim twice a day across a river to attend school at Trong Hoa commune, Minh Hoa district.

Traveling to school in Columbia can be a thrilling but perilous experience for many kids. Children living in the rainforest have to navigate down steel cables at 50 miles per hour to arrive at school. It’s a 125-mile journey for boarding school students in China to travel through the mountains of Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region. The parents of these students have to navigate through ice and frost, making the journey more dangerous and challenging. In refugee camps Shuafat, near Jerusalem, young students walk to school despite the violence taking place between Israeli troops and Palestinian protestors.

These images of various journeys to school put into perspective the common complaint we hear of “I don’t want to go to school today.” While some of us take school and educational opportunities for granted, there are young children around the world whose journeys to school are risky, but they believe it’s worth the risk to get to school and learn.

As we ponder our educational journeys, we must ask ourselves if our education is worth the risk. Instead of teaching students how to get rich or the best job out there, we should teach them the value of education. We should teach them the importance of seizing opportunities and taking charge of their lives, and most importantly, we should make them realize how lucky they are to have access to education so easily.

In conclusion, we must appreciate the privilege of education that we have today. We should value every single opportunity that comes our way, and we should always strive to learn despite the challenges we may face. Our journeys to school may have been uneventful, and our excuses for being late might have been trivial. But for many students around the world, their journeys to school are life-threatening, and it is only by the grace of their determination that they make it to school safely every day.

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