“7 Expert Tricks to Keep Your Flowers Looking Fresh All Week Long”

The Importance of Having Fresh Flowers in Your Home

Having flowers in your house can evoke a unique feeling that can change the mood of your home and give your guests a pleasurable experience. Flowers provide a burst of color and life to a room, and their essence is something very special that is beyond human imagination. However, the bad thing about flowers is that their lifespan can be short, and they can wither easily. Here are some tips to prevent that from happening and make your flowers look fresh and last longer.

The Best Time to Buy Flowers

The best time to buy flowers is in the morning or at dusk, before the sun heats them directly. Do not buy any flowers that have been kept under the sun for several days, and after buying the flowers, ensure that you get them home as quickly as possible. When you get home, leave them for a couple of hours with the stems completely immersed in water to recover from the transfer until the time comes to put them in a proper vase.

Use a Clean Vase

The flower vase must be kept clean and free from dirt, and to promote an eco-friendly environment, you can use wine bottles to serve as flower vases instead of throwing them away. All you need is a bottle cutter to cut the bottle properly for a perfect look. When you buy a vase, try to look for a large vase so that all the stems can fit well and reach the water level evenly.

Add Sugar

Flowers also need to be pampered, and to do this, add one tablespoon of white sugar and pour it into the water. This will give the flowers some extra “food” and make them look fresh and last longer.

Treat Them Like Indoor Plants

Always treat flowers at home as if they were indoor plants. Prevent direct sunlight from coming through the windows onto the flowers, do not expose them to drafts, and keep them away from very high temperatures. Place them away from the heater and keep them away from dry environments.

The Night Treatment

Flowers will last longer if you take them out at night on the balcony or in front of an open window. This is because flowers need a very cold environment, or you can put them at night in a cooler room with an open window.

Flowers Wilting Prematurely

One could wonder why flowers wilt so easily. This is a result of bacteria and their reproduction. The following tips can be used to combat wilting and give your flowers a beautiful look. Whenever you discover a withered flower and you want to revive it, follow the procedure below:

– Cut the stem slightly.
– Fill a vase with lukewarm water.
– Put the flower in it and place it in a dark place.
– When the water has turned cold, you can remove the flower and replace the warm water with cold water.

Use Flower Preservatives

To achieve a desired result for your flowers to look beautiful, ensure you use natural preservatives properly with the required quantities. This could even double the lifespan of the flowers. This preservative eliminates bacteria, so you don’t have to change the water in the vase every day. Instead, just maintain a constant level of adding fresh water from time to time.

Finally, if you do not use preservatives, change the water in the vase daily, trim the stems at least three times in a week, and remove all leaves that will be submerged in the water to prevent the conducting vessels from being infected by bacteria. If you follow these tips, your flowers will always look fresh and beautiful, and add a special touch to your home.

In conclusion, having fresh flowers in your home can give you an uplifting feeling and change the ambiance of your home. The tips shared above can help you to prolong the lifespan of the flowers, so you can continue to enjoy their beauty for a longer period of time. Remember to treat flowers like indoor plants, keep them away from direct sunlight, add sugar, and use flower preservatives. All in all, flowers have a magical power that can evoke positive energy and brighten up your space.

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