“7 Email Mistakes You’re Making That Turn Off Recipients”

Email Etiquette: Top Annoying Habits and How to Avoid Them

Emails have become a staple form of communication in today’s world, whether for personal or professional purposes. And while emails are designed to make communication more efficient, sometimes certain habits can turn an otherwise simple task into a frustrating experience. In a recent video released by Solarwindsinc, they showcased some of the most annoying email habits that can make us want to pull our hair out.

Autocorrects – The Curse of Technology

We’ve all experienced the nightmare of autocorrect at some point or the other. While autocorrect can be a lifesaver when it comes to fixing minor spelling errors, it can also be a curse. There are countless memes and social media posts dedicated to autocorrect screw-ups. The video by Solarwindsinc highlights how a simple typo can change the entire meaning of a sentence and make us want to scream in frustration.

What can we do to avoid this?

The best way to avoid autocorrect mishaps is to take the time to proofread your email before hitting that send button. Reading your emails out loud can also help you detect any minor errors or mistakes you might have missed during the editing process. And if you’re still worried about autocorrect, turn it off on your device and rely on your typing skills.

All Caps – The Email Equivalent of Shouting

Writing in all caps is equivalent to shouting in the virtual world. It’s also one of the quickest ways to annoy people and make your email seem unprofessional. The video by Solarwindsinc shows how our brains automatically interpret all caps as yelling, even if that’s not the intention behind it.

What can we do to avoid this?

Rather than resorting to using all caps, opt for bold or italicized text to emphasize a point if necessary. Also, be mindful of using emotional language in emails and try to stick to a conversational tone. And remember, it’s always better to err on the side of caution and avoid using all caps altogether.

Smileys – Are They Always Appropriate?

Smileys and emojis have become an integral part of modern communication. We use them in texts, social media and even emails. While they can add personality and emotion to a message, they can also come across as unprofessional in a corporate setting. The Solarwindsinc video shows how smileys can be misinterpreted and lead to confusion.

What can we do to avoid this?

While it’s okay to use smileys in informal emails or when communicating with friends and family, it’s best to avoid them in professional settings. If you want to add some emotion or flair to your emails, try using words instead. A well-crafted sentence can convey the same message without coming across as juvenile.

Email Signature – The Comic Sans Conundrum

Email signatures are a great way to provide some context about who you are and what you do. However, sometimes people take it too far by including things like inspirational quotes, multiple phone numbers and even their entire job description. The Solarwindsinc video highlights the cringe-worthy use of bright pink Comic Sans font in email signatures.

What can we do to avoid this?

When it comes to email signatures, less is more. Stick to the basics like your name, job title, and contact information. If you feel the need to include a quote or any other information, keep it short and sweet. And please, avoid using Comic Sans at all costs.


Emails are an integral part of our daily lives, and it’s important to be mindful of how we use them. By avoiding these annoying email habits, we can improve the effectiveness of our communication and make our email experience less frustrating. So, the next time you’re drafting an email, remember to proofread, avoid all caps, and keep those smileys to a minimum. Your colleagues and friends will thank you for it.

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