7 Adorable Animals That You Can’t Legally Keep as Pets

Why Exotic Pets Are Illegal in the US?

Exotic animals, such as ferrets, hedgehogs, monkeys, and even lions, have become popular pets, but they remain illegal to own in some states in the US. In this article, we will discuss the reasons why certain exotic animals are banned as pets, and why they would make terrible pets for humans.

Why are exotic pets banned?

The problem with owning exotic pets is that it can pose a serious threat to both animals and humans. Many people believe that they can domesticate wild animals, but the truth is that these animals are not suited to be kept as pets. Wild animals should be allowed to roam freely in their natural habitats, and they should not be taken from the wild and kept in captivity.

There are several reasons why owning exotic pets is illegal in the US. One of the main reasons is to regulate the trade and importation of exotic animals. Without proper regulations, animal traffickers could easily smuggle and trade some wild animals, leading to the risk of disease, injury, or death to both animals and humans.

Moreover, many exotic animals require specific diets, living conditions, and medical care that are not available in a typical household setting. For instance, reptiles require specific lighting, temperature, and humidity to survive. Monkeys are social creatures and require interaction with other members of their species. Large carnivorous animals require specialized diets and living areas that can accommodate their size and needs.

Animal welfare advocates recognize the inherent problems with owning exotic pets and have been pushing policymakers to ban these animals as household pets. Although owning an exotic pet may seem like a luxurious lifestyle, it leads to neglect, abuse, and exploitation of the animal. The end results are injuries and even death to both animals and humans.

The impact of owning exotic pets

Exotic pets in households are not only a danger to their owners but also to the general public. In some instances, these animals have escaped or have been released into the wild, and when they do, they can threaten indigenous species or even spread diseases to other wild animals.

Moreover, exotic animals require specialized medical care. However, many exotic pet owners are not equipped to provide this care, and the result is a high risk of illness and even death for the animal. In addition, many exotic pets carry infectious diseases that can easily be transmitted to humans, posing a public health hazard.

Why wild animals make terrible pets

Many people see wild animals as cute and cuddly creatures, but the truth is that they are not meant to be kept as pets. Wild animals have evolved to survive in the wild, where they can hunt, forage, and interact with other members of their species. When they are kept in captivity, they become stressed and anxious, leading to behavioral problems and mental issues.

In addition, exotic animals can have unpredictable behavior, including aggression, biting, and scratching. Many exotic animals, such as tigers and lions, are large predators and can cause serious harm to humans. Also, exotic pets, including monkeys, can carry diseases such as Herpes B that are potentially fatal to humans.


Exotic pets, such as ferrets, hedgehogs, and monkeys, have been banned in many states in the US because of their impact on both animal welfare and public health. Despite their popularity, exotic animals are not meant to be kept as pets, and their needs cannot be met in a typical household setting. The best way to protect these animals is to leave them in their natural habitats, where they can thrive without human interference.

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