Five Websites Every Student Should Know About
As a student, you are likely to spend a significant portion of your time writing papers and conducting research. The following websites can help you improve your writing, learn the intricacies of citations, and stay up to date with current events in your field.
1. The Nuts and Bolts of College Writing
Michael Harvey’s website, The Nuts and Bolts of College Writing, is a must-visit for any student who wants to improve their writing. According to Harvey, good writing is a combination of clarity, concision, and grace, not just following a set of rules. His website offers sample passages and suggested revisions that can benefit any writer who takes the time to study them. If you want to take your writing to the next level, check out the book version of the site, which offers even more in-depth guidance.
2. A Demonstration of the Futility of Using Microsoft Word’s Spelling and Grammar Check
Many students rely on Microsoft Word’s spelling and grammar checker to catch mistakes in their writing. However, Sandeep Krishnamurthy’s website proves that this tool is “extraordinarily bad.” By downloading and checking one of the sample .doc files, you can see for yourself just how inaccurate Word’s checker can be. Instead of depending on Word to do your editing and proofreading for you, take the time to carefully review and revise your work.
3. The Citation Machine
Citing sources can be one of the most tedious and confusing parts of writing a research paper. The Citation Machine, offered by the Landmark Project, can make this process much easier. Simply enter the relevant information for the source you are citing, and the website will generate a citation in either APA or MLA style. Of course, it’s important to double-check that the citation is correct before submitting your paper.
4. Arts & Letters Daily
As a student, it’s important to read widely and expose yourself to a variety of writing styles and topics. Arts & Letters Daily, offered by The Chronicle of Higher Education, offers a curated selection of articles, essays, and reviews that can serve as excellent models for your own writing. Check this website regularly to stay up to date with the latest thinking in your field.
5. Alt+F4
Finally, Michael Leddy’s website Alt+F4 offers a simple but important reminder: eliminate distractions when you’re trying to write. Close your browser, turn off your instant messaging app, and focus solely on the task at hand. By doing so, you can give your writing the attention it deserves and produce your best work.
In conclusion, these five websites can help any student become a better writer, researcher, and thinker. Take the time to explore them and see how they can benefit you in your academic career.
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