5 Things You Must Do To Lead Change

Change is inevitable. As an entrepreneur, you will face many different types of change throughout your business journey. From a simple pivot of your business model to a reset of your entire marketing strategy, you will have to change to adapt to new conditions and grow. You will face different types of resistance, but the most important thing you can do is embrace change.

We can resist change on many levels, from a slight change in our routine to a complete career change. Whatever change you face, you will find critical circumstances and events that can help or hinder your ability to embrace the change.

Leading Change Is Possible

Intentional, supervised, and achievement-oriented transformation can be one of life’s greatest joys. A peer’s purposeful leadership of change through team-building activities, experimentation, and servant leadership can have an even more profound effect.

The society we live in today is constantly evolving. Therefore the leaders of tomorrow will need to be adept at facilitating change among their teams and coworkers.

Our brains weren’t built to be adaptable; they were made for safety, which means that everyone has an uphill struggle regardless of upbringing. The human brain is hardwired to ensure our safety and security so that we can survive and pass on our genes.

This may be an oversimplified way of looking at things, but the reality is this. We don’t have a lot of practice dealing with change, so when we’re in the middle of it, it can generate a lot of stress and anxiety.

Things You Must Do to Lead Change

Changing the brain should be a priority if we want to be true leaders of transformation. And there are some rules we must follow if we wish to alter the brain. Five critical practices for leading change are discussed below.

1. Meet Your People Where They’re At

It can be challenging to meet someone who they aren’t. In truth, it cannot be done. Because of its seeming lack of complexity, this is frequently disregarded by those in authority over transformational change.

The success of every change effort depends on the leader’s ability to meet their people where they are.

When you urge a coworker or friend to adopt a new way of doing things, it can come off as inconsiderate and cold. As a result, they may experience increased tension, anxiety, and overwhelm as they try to bridge the gap between where they are now and where you want them to be.

Anxiety, despair, and a general feeling of disconnection are just some ways this dissonance can manifest itself in the boardroom and at home, all of which can lead to shifts in communication styles, eye contact, and even work habits.

To meet someone where they are means to put yourself in their shoes. Starting from a secure position allows one to more easily embrace change, which can lead to rapid, substantial improvement. This feeling of security is crucial for generating change and forming new routines.

The next time you’re in a leadership position during a transition period, try walking in someone else’s shoes to better understand their perspective and needs.

2. Lead by Example

As the old adage goes, “actions speak louder than words,” This is the most effective method of bringing about change since it inspires others to do the same. We’ve always been, and always will be a social species.

Any time a member of your team goes through a shift for the better, discovers a new interest, or develops a more tremendous enthusiasm for anything, the effects spread throughout the group. People become caught up in the transformation and attempt to affect it themselves. This is useful for leading change because it demonstrates to others that they can make the necessary adjustments.

In many situations, we must observe others performing a task before we feel comfortable undertaking it ourselves. Think about the famous four-minute mile.

No human had ever run a mile in less than four minutes before May 6, 1954, and doing so was widely believed to be physically and biologically impossible.

A student at Oxford and a track and field superstar, Roger Bannister, ran a sub-4 minute mile despite the rain and strong gusts. This was already an incredible achievement, but what comes next is astounding.

In under two years, nine more persons could run a mile in under four minutes. You could be wondering, “What altered?”

Their mental makeup and the notions of their own potential.

In this case, the eye is the judge. Additionally, you become the change leader when you provide an exemplary example. You give people hope that they, too, can accomplish their goals. That is authentic leadership.

3. Make “flow” states of productivity easier to achieve

According to Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi’s research on “flow states of consciousness,” being in such a condition makes one feel more energized, engaged, and happy while working. We should all aim for this ideal mentality in our daily lives.

To effectively lead change, leaders must find ways to put their teams in a state of flow where they can focus on their work without distraction. The most admirable aspect is that individuals feel lovely while doing it.

When people are in a productive state of flow, they are entirely absorbed in what they are doing and can instantly effect change.

The advantages of being in a state of flow are numerous.

Improved ability to control one’s emotions
Joy and contentment increased
Increased contentment and dedication
Superior levels of education and growth in expertise
This is the Holy Grail of maximum development and efficiency if you’re a change leader.

Work becomes effortless, complex problems become manageable, and morale soars when leaders foster conditions that promote flow. The fast feedback, sense of fulfillment, and increased outcomes characteristic of flow states make them ideal for leading change.

4. Provide Psychological and Emotional Safety

Providing security and secure space for change is the road map to effective transformation if actions speak louder than words, and meeting people where they are is the cornerstone of change. Because it forces us out of our familiar routines and threatens our ingrained assumptions about the future, our brains are hardwired to react adversely to change.

To better prepare for a “fight, flight, or freeze” conclusion, our brains reduce our cognitive processing capacity in times of stress. Both choices are detrimental because they reduce our ability to think critically and increase the likelihood of making mistakes that can have severe consequences for the bottom line over time.

People can begin to participate in actions that will improve their outcomes if they are provided with an atmosphere that enables and encourages making mistakes and being open to change.

Leaders overly controlling their subordinates and superiors have this very problem. They infuse the workplace with anxiety and tension, altering morale and productivity. Decisions made daily and the willingness of personnel to adapt will ultimately define the success or failure of a business.

Permit your team to make blunders, so they can grow as a unit. It’s easy to be a change leader.

5. Be Patient and Open to Giving/Receiving Advice

It’s impossible to speed up the change process since it takes time for something to shift. We may need to experiment with several modification levels before achieving the desired results.

Although unsettling, novelty often proves to be energizing. Finding the right pace, rhythm, and feel when leading change, for instance, is an art form; hence, the plethora of theories and practices around the topic.

Leaders who are patient with their employees can offer them more help and reassurance that moving at their own speed is acceptable. Due to the non-linear nature of guiding change, leaders must communicate clearly and be receptive to suggestions from their followers.

Leaders who seek counsel rather than evaluation from their subordinates create an environment where employees are less afraid to try new things, fail, and learn from their errors.

When people have a say in how things are run, they develop a stronger sense of ownership over their work and are more motivated to see it through to completion.

This loop, however, goes in both directions. Your team members will benefit greatly from your guidance as they seek to enhance their efforts and maintain focus on the team’s overarching goals. The advice doesn’t have to take the form of harsh criticism, but it should help your team members stay focused on the near and far future.

Companies and enterprises are in a state of flux right now. Therefore everyone’s attention should be focused on reducing stress and anxiety so that no one has to resort to the “fight, flight, or freeze” response.

Bottom line

A leader is a maker of leaders. And you’d be astonished who volunteers to help you when you’re leading the charge for change.

Metrics and data point only sometimes track the results of a great leader because of the ripple effects they have on the organization as a whole, which change the momentum and culture of the business.

Because a company is the sum of its employees, the community is key to effective leadership. Those who claim “business isn’t personal” fundamentally misunderstand the industry. It entails establishing rapport, earning confidence, and paving the way for expansion across the board.

Leading change can be easy if you’re prepared with the appropriate strategies. We need more people to take the initiative and pursue leadership roles since doing so may be extremely rewarding.

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