“5 Surprising Ways to Secure Your MacBook Pro: Track Invalid Logins with iSight”

Using iSight to Monitor Invalid Login Attempts

Have you ever been worried about someone trying to break into your MacBook Pro? With the built-in iSight camera, you can take a snapshot of anyone attempting to access your laptop without your authorization. While this method may not be foolproof, it can still serve as a valuable tool to keep your personal information protected.

The Process

To begin, you’ll need to monitor /var/log/asl.log for invalid login attempts. This log file is generated by the login process and contains relevant information about login failures, including the time, the reason for failure, and the username. You can use the built-in Terminal application on your Mac to access this file.

Once you have access to the log file, you can create an authsight program that provides a monitoring daemon, which will call the camera after an invalid login attempt. The authsight program includes a launchd manifest to automatically run the daemon on startup.

In addition to the authsight program, you’ll also need to download and install the iSightCapture command-line tool. This tool allows you to take snapshots with your iSight camera from the Terminal.

Once everything is set up, you’ll be notified of any invalid login attempts, and a snapshot of the perpetrator will be taken and saved on your laptop.

When to Use This Method

While using iSight to monitor invalid login attempts is not a foolproof method, it can help you keep your laptop secure. This method is particularly useful if you suspect that someone who has access to your computer is trying to log in without your authorization.

For instance, parents can use this technique to monitor their children’s access to their MacBook Pro. If a child tries to log in with an incorrect password, the iSight camera will take a snapshot of them, allowing their parents to know the reason for the invalid login attempt.

Of course, this method won’t help much if your laptop is already stolen. However, it can still provide you with some peace of mind knowing that you’ll be notified of any unauthorized attempts to access your laptop.


As the world becomes increasingly more digital, it’s important to take steps to secure your personal information. Using the iSight camera to monitor invalid login attempts is a simple yet effective way to protect your MacBook Pro from unauthorized access.

While it may not be a foolproof method, it can still serve as a valuable tool to keep your personal information protected. So, if you’re worried about someone trying to break into your laptop, consider using the iSight camera to monitor invalid login attempts.

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