5 Surprising Ways Spontaneous Doodling Boosts Your Focus and Mental Well-being

The Benefits of Doodling: Why Putting Down Your Phone and Picking Up a Sketchbook Can Improve Your Focus and Reduce Stress

In a world filled with constant distractions, it can be difficult to stay focused and avoid procrastination. Many of us turn to our phones and social media feeds as a way to pass the time, but recent research suggests that there may be a better way to combat boredom and improve our attention span: doodling.

A 2009 study found that participants who doodled while listening to a monotonous voice message were able to recall 29% more information than those who didn’t doodle. While the study was small and more research is needed, it raises interesting questions about the benefits of doodling.

Here are some of the reasons why doodling may be an effective tool for improving focus and reducing stress:

Creatively Fidgeting

Fidgeting has long been seen as a negative behavior, but recent research suggests that it may actually be beneficial. Our bodies are wired to combat boredom, and fidgeting may be a natural response to maintain alertness. In fact, a 2015 study found that fidgeting can help combat the negative effects of a sedentary lifestyle.

Doodling is a form of fidgeting, and it may be an effective way to keep our minds engaged and focused. By allowing our hands to move while our minds are listening or processing information, we may be able to stay more alert and attentive.

The Resting Doodler

In addition to improving focus, doodling may also provide a much-needed respite for our brains. When we focus on a task for too long, our brains can become overworked and fatigued. Doodling may offer a brief break in the midst of continuous attention, allowing our brains to recharge and maintain focus.

Sketch For Less Stress

Doodling has also been found to have a positive impact on our emotional well-being. Stress can impair our ability to focus, but doodling may be a helpful way to alleviate that stress. By allowing our minds to freely express our thoughts and emotions through drawing, we may be able to reduce our stress levels and improve our cognitive abilities.

Additionally, doodling may offer insights into our subconscious. According to Dr. Robert Burns, former director of the Institute for Human Development at the University of Seattle, doodles can be used to diagnose emotional problems. Even the simplest doodles can evoke memories and associations that provide clues to our obsessions and emotions.

Overall, doodling may be an effective tool for improving focus and reducing stress. So next time you’re tempted to mindlessly scroll through social media, try putting down your phone and picking up a sketchbook instead. Your brain may thank you for it.

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