“5 Surprising Myths That Are Sabotaging Your Intelligence”

Common Misconceptions: Clearing the Path

In a world inundated with an abundance of information, it can be challenging to discern what’s real and what’s not. Cognitive dissonance arises when one holds conflicting beliefs, causing frustration, anxiety, anger, and embarrassment. To avoid such contradictions, it’s essential to clear the path to harmony by debunking some of the most common misconceptions.

Sense Perception: It’s More than Five

Contrary to popular belief, humans have more than just five senses. While Aristotelian senses include sight, smell, taste, touch, and hearing, other senses include balance and acceleration, pain, position, and relative temperature. Further, one can sense hunger, thirst, fullness of the stomach, need to urinate, and defecate, among others.

It’s essential to exercise each sense as much as possible to improve one’s connection with reality. Take a moment to put down your phone and look around or close your eyes and listen to your surroundings.

Einstein’s Math: The Wrong Teaching Method

Many people still hold on to the myth that Albert Einstein failed mathematics in school. However, Einstein himself refuted such claims, stating that “Before I was fifteen, I had mastered differential and integral calculus.” Although he did not agree with the teaching method of his school, Einstein excelled in mathematics and science.

Einstein’s focus on his strengths ultimately led him to become a symbol of genius, changing the world’s perception of time and space forever.

Knuckle Cracking: Harmless Habit

Contrary to the myth that cracking one’s knuckles causes osteoarthritis, research suggests that cracking a joint that has been exercised recently can relieve pain. A doctor named Donald Unger cracked the knuckles of his left hand for over sixty years but did not crack those of his right hand. Nevertheless, he did not develop any arthritis or related ailments. Unger was awarded the 2009 Ig Noble Prize in Medicine.

To break compulsive behaviors, self-awareness is the essential first step. Becoming aware of when you catch yourself in the act can help you naturally resolve many habits and addictions over time.

Brain Usage: It’s More Than Ten Percent

The notion that humans only use ten percent of their brains is a common misconception. Even while a small minority of neurons are firing at any one time, inactive neurons are equally important and provide insight into how different regions of the brain collaborate to form conscious experiences.

The desire to have answers to everything leads to such misconceptions, clouding our minds with cognitive dissonance that can cause physical and emotional damage.

Evolution: Separating Skepticism from Theory

Clearing up misconceptions about the theory of evolution can be quite challenging. Many people associate the word “theory” with mainstream scientific doubt regarding the theory’s validity. However, in a scientific context, the concept of theory and hypothesis has specific meanings. Evolution does not explain the origin of life or the origin and development of the universe and does not nullify the presence of God. While biological evolution describes the process by which species originate and continue to develop, it is not concerned with the origin of life itself.

Additionally, Homo sapiens did not develop from chimpanzees, but we share a common ancestor.

Evolution can help individuals cope with difficult challenges that arise in life. Accepting change as a constant force that we must live with, no matter how cruels or beautiful life may seem.

As a final clarification, humans and dinosaurs never coexisted.


Clearing up common misconceptions is essential for a harmonious flow of thought with reality. Knowing that humans have more senses than five, Einstein never failed in mathematics, cracking knuckles doesn’t cause arthritis, using more than ten percent of the brain, and understanding the theory of evolution helps in our response to change. Debunking myths reduces cognitive dissonance and allows us to engage with life effectively.

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