The Importance of Solitude: Why You Need More Alone Time
Does the thought of spending an evening at home alone sound boring or maybe even a bit scary? Or does it sound absolutely wonderful and refreshing? Because we are constantly plugged in, we are connected digitally 24-7 and sometimes surrounded by people in the day and night. However, having some alone time actually is healthy for you.
Socialization is indispensable for our career success and interpersonal connection nowadays. However, oversocialization will actually deprive you of the time to do something concrete, drain your energy, and put you under unnecessary comparison which may lead to low self-esteem, a sense of powerlessness, and other negative feelings. Having a slice of time to yourself to deprogram doesn’t mean you should abandon all social activities. Instead, allot time in your schedule for “me time.” Here’s why you should try sneaking more alone time into your life and how you can do it.
1. Solitude Boosts Your Creativity
When you spend time alone, you will find yourself with your own thoughts. You can reevaluate life, your day, and your schedule. This solitude also allows you to tap into your creativity, solve problems in new ways, and expand your mind. You won’t have outside sources or other people intruding into your schedule and will find yourself with new channels of creativity to explore.
2. Solitude Enhances Self-Understanding
Being one with your own thoughts means you’ll gain valuable insight into who you really are. Too much outside influence from others can cloud your self-perception, but spending time getting to know yourself will benefit you in many ways, helping you become a better person. You’ll also be able to zone in on issues that may be negatively impacting you and find ways to resolve them.
3. Solitude Improves Productivity
Alone time often equals a vastly heightened productivity pace. For example, when you aren’t interrupted by people, phone calls, or notifications on your phone, but instead hole up alone to focus solely on the task at hand, you’ll find yourself able to dedicate your full attention to the project set out before you and not only be more efficient but will also simply do a better job.
4. Solitude Helps With Recuperation
Periods of solitude allow your mind, body, and soul to relax and recover from the stresses encountered every day. You can meditate and think deeply, categorizing what’s really important to you. Simply sitting still and enjoying the peace and quiet will work wonders on your psyche. This also refreshes you and prepares you for when you return to your regular routine.
Ways To Get More Alone Time:
So, now you may be wondering how you can carve out alone time and benefit in the aforementioned ways? Here are some tips:
Close your office door for an hour. Close your eyes and meditate, or take a nap. Engage in deep breathing techniques. Just be you. Alone.
Rise and shine. Go to work earlier than usual, so it’s just you in the office. You’ll get a huge jumpstart on your day.
Eat on your own. While lunch breaks are great for socializing, you also can decompress from a stressful morning by dining solo.
Exercise alone. Physical activity is a great way to recharge. Doing so alone allows you to rid yourself of negative energy and boost your outlook.
Turn off technology. It’s insane how often your phone will beep, ring, chirp, or make whatever noises your alerts and notifications make. Carve out quiet time by turning off your phone and other devices.
Sneak away. If you are able to take a hike or take a trip; do it. Cherish the alone time.
Don’t be afraid to take the time to be alone, unplug, unwind, and recharge. Your body, mind, and soul will thank you for it.
Tags: solitude, alone time, mental health, productivity, creativity, self-understanding.
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