5 Shocking Ways This Comic Exposes Privilege You Never Knew Existed

such as “privilege,” “social inequality,” and “personal responsibility.”

Privilege and Personal Responsibility: How to Navigate a Complex Social Issue

The concept of privilege is a complex and often misunderstood topic in today’s society. While some individuals claim that the effects of privilege do not exist, others believe that it is a significant contributing factor to social inequality. The truth lies somewhere in between. It is true that the ultimate responsibility for one’s life lies with that individual. However, the impact of privilege and the systems that perpetuate it cannot be ignored.

What is Privilege?

Privilege is a consequence of a societal structure that has been built on a foundation of systems that benefit certain groups of individuals while leaving others at a disadvantage. These systems are often based on deeply ingrained cultural beliefs that have been perpetuated for generations. As a result, those who benefit from these structures are often oblivious to the impact they have on others or simply do not acknowledge it.

Privilege often manifests in areas such as education, healthcare, employment, access to resources, and even basic needs such as clean water and air. For example, a person born into a wealthy family has a significant head-start in life in comparison to someone born into a low-income family.

The Effects of Privilege

The effects of privilege can be far-reaching and severe. People who possess the privilege may not understand the problems that others face or may not be able to empathize with them. This can create a sense of entitlement and reinforces the idea that they are superior, or that their success is exclusively due to their merits.

People who do not possess the privilege can feel marginalized and oppressed. The systems that perpetuate privilege often work against them, making it difficult to achieve success, regardless of their hard work and ability. This can create a sense of hopelessness and can lead to social and economic inequality.

Personal Responsibility

While the effects of privilege are undeniable, personal responsibility also plays a crucial role in determining one’s success in life. It is important to acknowledge that no one is entitled to success or has a right to privilege. Everyone has to work hard and make smart choices to achieve their goals.

Personal responsibility means taking ownership of one’s actions, being accountable for their decisions, and taking the necessary steps to achieve their goals. This includes making wise decisions, setting realistic goals, and working hard to achieve them. It also means acknowledging the advantages that one has and not taking them for granted.

Navigating Privilege and Personal Responsibility

Navigating the complex issue of privilege and personal responsibility requires a nuanced approach. While it is essential to take ownership of one’s life, it is also important to understand the impact of privilege and the systemic issues that perpetuate it.

This involves educating oneself on the issues that marginalized groups face and implementing change within our own sphere of influence. It includes advocating for policies that work towards social and economic equality and taking steps to build a more equitable world.

It also means acknowledging and understanding that privilege can lead to blind spots and biases that can negatively impact others. By recognizing these biases and working to mitigate them, one can become more conscious of the impact of privilege and make better decisions.


In conclusion, the issue of privilege and personal responsibility is a complex one. While personal responsibility is critical in achieving success, it is crucial to acknowledge the impact of privilege and work towards creating a more equitable society. By approaching this issue with a willingness to learn, a commitment to understanding the impact of privilege and taking action towards change, we can create a world that is more just, equitable, and inclusive for all.

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