“5 Proven Learning Styles to Boost Your Intelligence”

How to Become a Quick Learner: Strategies to Make Learning Easier and More Enjoyable

Do you ever feel envious of people who seem to grasp new concepts quickly while you struggle to keep up? It’s easy to believe that these individuals are simply smarter or have better brains, but the truth is that anyone can become a quick learner with the right strategies. In this article, we’ll explore some tactics that can help you accelerate your learning and apply it to any subject or skill.

The Importance of Enjoying the Learning Process

Before diving into specific strategies, it’s important to recognize that learning quickly isn’t just about memorization or intelligence. It’s also about enjoying the process of learning. When we are genuinely interested and motivated to learn something, our brains are more receptive to new information and we learn more efficiently. So, the first step to becoming a quick learner is to find ways to make the learning process enjoyable.

5 Strategies to Accelerate Learning

Here are five strategies that you can adopt to become a quick learner:

1. Visceralization

As children, we learn through creation, using vivid colors and visualizations that stem from our imagination. As we get older, we’re encouraged to rely more on memorization, which doesn’t work for everyone. Connecting information with visual creation is an effective way to help our brains understand better. Don’t be afraid to create colorful pictures and diagrams to help you comprehend something challenging. This technique not only helps you learn more efficiently but also keeps your brain motivated and excited.

2. Using Metaphors

Our brains remember concepts better when we compare them to something else. That’s where metaphors come in handy. By capturing the essential nature of a concept and illustrating it with something familiar, our brains can connect the dots and understand abstract ideas more easily. Comparing radio waves to ripples on a water surface or electricity flowing through pipes helps us apply known concepts to new ones.

3. Linking

You’ve probably heard about people who can memorize a whole deck of cards in a random order. They’re not necessarily smarter; they’re using a technique called linking. This involves using storytelling to link one thing to another and create a flow. For instance, to remember a grocery list, such as oranges, milk, bananas, and honey, you could imagine an orange man (oranges) bringing a cow (milk) to a monkey (bananas) who got stung by a bee (honey). This technique helps you remember anything from long lists to abstract concepts, and the more bizarre the link, the better.

4. Total Immersion

This technique is especially effective for learning a new language. By completely surrounding yourself with what you need to learn, you force your brain to use and make sense of the information. For instance, if you’re staying in a foreign country where they don’t speak your language, you’ll have to adapt quickly to survive. This survival mode and constant repetition accelerate the learning process significantly because your brain is in a constant state of learning.

5. The Five-Year-Old Method

This method helps you simplify complex ideas, reducing the complexity and using analogies to explain what you’ve learned. You can try to explain the new concept to a child or someone who has no idea what you’re talking about. If you can, you know you’ve mastered it. It’s crucial to ensure that you’ve understood all the concepts along the way. This technique eliminates confusion and ensures that you understand everything before moving on to more advanced topics.


In conclusion, learning quickly is primarily about adopting different learning strategies and enjoying the learning process. Intelligence is not the only factor in becoming a quick learner. Anyone can apply the strategies discussed in this article to lighten the learning load and accelerate the process. By using visualization, metaphor, linking, immersion, and the five-year-old method, you’ll be primed to learn anything with ease and enjoyment. So, the next time you’re facing a challenging topic, remember to unlock your imagination and embrace the process of learning.

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