5 Foolproof Strategies to Effectively Prioritize When Everything Demands Your Attention

Life Can Often Feel Like an Intense Game of Chess, but Smart Prioritization Can Help Us Maneuver the Chaos

Life is a complex game, and we’re all players. Like a game of chess, we’re faced with multiple opponents simultaneously, each piece on the board representing a task, an obligation, or a responsibility. It’s essential to recognize that, like the chess player who can’t move all pieces at once, we’re divided, bouncing from one task to another, diluting our focus and ultimately feeling overwhelmed or losing motivation.

Whether we’re dealing with a high-pressure day at the office with a pending presentation, an overload of emails, and a meeting that requires our planning expertise, or a day at home with a kitchen to clean, laundry to wash, and a family dinner to prepare – these situations are universal. We’ve all been there, tangled in the hustle of life, striving to accomplish everything at once, and ending up with a performance that falls short of our expectations.

However, there’s a way to maneuver around this chaos – smart prioritization. The answer isn’t to hustle harder in the game, but to strategize our moves wisely. In this article, we’ll explore a distinctive LifeHack method, a game plan to help us make sense of our complex chessboard of tasks.

It’s Not About Making Every Possible Move, But Recognizing the Critical Ones

At the heart of it all, prioritizing is just another way of saying, “Here’s where I choose to direct my focus.” Because, let’s face it, wherever we place our attention is where we’ll pour our time and energy. A common misconception is that we struggle with knowing how to prioritize, but this isn’t quite accurate.

Believe it or not, we’re continually prioritizing, even without fully realizing it. If we didn’t, we’d be at a loss when it comes to deciding our next move. Our daily life, filled with a barrage of demands, drives us to develop patterns and routines as coping mechanisms. These ingrained routines help us make decisions – they’re anchored on specific themes, like “caring for the children” or “getting through the workday”. These themes set by our minds cater to needs or desires that might not even be consciously apparent to us.

Each of these themes holds an unspoken set of priorities, shaping our expectations and guiding our actions. However, if we’re not aware of these underlying priorities, our decision-making essentially operates on autopilot. The real task, then, is to bring these hidden priorities into the light of conscious awareness.

The Dual Layers of Priority

We can break down prioritizing functions into two levels:

High Level: This involves setting our goals, determining where we want to go.

Low Level: This encompasses deciding on tasks or milestones – outlining what we should do.

Understanding and accepting that both levels are crucial is the first step.

There are those who have a clear vision of their destination but struggle with determining what steps to take to get there – leaving them stuck in a cycle of procrastination. Conversely, there are others who excel at handling task-level prioritization but lack clarity about their ultimate direction. This often results in them being overwhelmed by a never-ending list of tasks that don’t contribute to their real progress.

The crux of the matter is that high-level and low-level priorities serve different purposes, so they require unique approaches. Confusing the two doesn’t work – it merely muddles the waters. But don’t worry, we’re here to help you navigate these waters with ease.

Mastering High-Level Prioritization

High-level priorities come into play when we’re ranking the importance of our goals. We all have a bucket list of significant things we aspire to achieve in life. However, time and energy are finite resources, and it’s a harsh truth that we can’t accomplish everything.

This is where high-level prioritization steps in. Yes, it’s challenging because it involves making choices. But that’s also what makes it clear-cut in terms of action.

The 5/25 Method

The 5/25 rule addresses the issue of having too many goals. It is a tool that can help us prioritize our goals so that we can focus our efforts and succeed.

The 5/25 rule was originally associated with Warren Buffett, however, the enormously successful American businessman reportedly denied coining it. Although Buffett may not have invented this rule, it can nevertheless be a helpful tool for reiterating and refining our priorities.

Here’s how the method works:

Enumerate our top 25 life goals: This isn’t confined to a particular aspect of our life. Our list can encompass personal, professional, or financial goals. Jot them down without any judgment.

Identify our top 5: From this list, circle the top five goals that resonate the most with us. These should be the ones that stir up passion and have the potential to create the most significant impact on our life.

Prioritize the top 5: After zeroing in on our top 5 goals, arrange them in order of importance. Now, funnel our time and energy into the top one or two, steering clear of distractions.

Say no to everything else: This means that we need to resist the lure of activities and commitments that don’t harmonize with our top priorities. Be discerning about where we invest our time and energy. If we struggle to say no, Leo Babauta has some tips for us.

Review and revise regularly: Life is dynamic, and so are our priorities. Revisiting our priorities periodically allows us to adapt to changes and maintain our focus on what’s truly important.

I also have a few tips to help you adapt the 5/25 Method:

Carve out a dedicated time slot once a month for this activity. Give yourself ample time – say, an hour – to ponder and reflect on what truly matters to you.

Set a firm time block, say an hour, during which you must finalize and rank your priorities. It’s all too easy to keep putting it off under the pretense of “needing more time to think.”

Once we’ve set our priorities, stick to them. Resist the urge to question our decisions. That’s why periodic reviews are essential. We can adjust our priorities during these reviews. Commit to our chosen top 5 goals and align our low-level priorities accordingly.

Devising a Strategy for Low-Level Prioritization

Low-level priorities encompass our operational tasks – how we arrange our milestones, actions, and to-dos. Once our high-level priorities are clear, sketching out our low-level priorities becomes an organized process.

Our goals guide us in distinguishing what’s crucial and what isn’t. This clarity replaces the hesitations, emotional dilemmas, and doubts that typically accompany every action we contemplate. With our goals prioritized, we’ve already resolved these conflicts.

1. Adopt The Superstructure Method

This is a LifeHack-exclusive technique that is about pinpointing what’s vital to achieve our desired outcome and constructing a ‘superstructure’ around them to foster success. We categorize tasks into 3 groups:


Must-Haves are the critical components of our success. They’re the absolutely necessary elements we require to achieve our goal. For instance, if our goal is to write a book, our Must-Haves could be time to write, research materials, and a clear outline for our book.

Once our Must-Haves are in place, start crafting our superstructure by including the “should-haves” and “good-to-haves” that will reinforce our success.


Should-Haves are those things that are strongly advised or deemed essential to reach our goal but may not be crucial.


Good-to-Haves are those things that can augment our success or enrich our experience, though they’re not necessary.

For instance, if we’re aspiring to write a book, a Should-Have might be a writing group or a coach for support and feedback, while a Good-to-Have could be a comfortable writing space or inspiring music to keep us motivated.

Learn more about the Superstructure Method in How to Simplify Decision Making With the Superstructure Method.

2. Embrace The Urgent vs. Important Matrix

This is a method that prioritizes tasks based on their urgency and importance levels. The Urgent vs. Important Matrix, popularized by Steven Covey in his book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, is also known as the “4 Quadrants” approach.

This matrix is an impactful tool to manage our time and efforts, segregating our tasks into four quadrants:

Urgent and Important
Urgent but Not Important
Important but Not Urgent
Not Urgent and Not Important

Quadrant 1: Urgent and Important

These are the tasks that require immediate attention because they’re both urgent and important. They can be about crises, deadlines, or problems that require our urgent intervention.

Quadrant 2: Important but Not Urgent

These are the tasks that are critical for the success of our goal, but they’re not urgent. They include daily self-care activities, long-term planning and preparation, and personal or professional development.

Quadrant 3: Urgent but Not Important

These are the tasks that are not important, but they’re urgent. They pertain to distractions, interruptions, or minor tasks that others impose on us.

Quadrant 4: Not Urgent and Not Important

These are the tasks that neither urgent nor important, and they’re often just time-wasters. They might include gossip, social media, or other forms of escapism.

The trick is to prioritize tasks in Quadrant 2, as they’re the ones that contribute most to our success but are often neglected or abandoned because they’re not urgent. These non-urgent tasks often determine the success or failure of our goals.

It’s Time to Take Action

Prioritization is a potent tool that can help us navigate the complexity of our lives and achieve our goals. The key is to recognize that high-level and low-level priorities demand different approaches and to implement strategies that work best for us.

Whether we choose the 5/25 method, the superstructure method, or the urgent vs. important matrix, what’s important is to commit to our priorities and align our efforts and time to achieve them. The game of life needn’t be overwhelming or chaotic – we can master the art of smart prioritization and enjoy our journey.

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