“5 Expert Tips to Prevent Eye Strain and Boost Productivity While Working on the Computer”

The Importance of Protecting Your Eyes From Computer Screen Strain

In today’s fast-paced digital age, most of us spend long hours staring at computer screens at work or for leisure. This extended and repetitive view can cause a variety of symptoms such as headaches, blurred vision, vertigo, and difficulties in refocusing – a condition known as Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS).

If not treated, CVS can lead to chronic eye problems in the long term, so understanding the condition and how to prevent it is essential. One of the most effective ways to prevent CVS is by taking regular breaks to rest your eyes. Unfortunately, remembering to take these breaks is far easier said than done.

But fear not, as there is a solution – the recently reviewed EyePro Windows application, recommended by Martin Brinkmann from Ghacks. This free program will remind you to take regular breaks from your computer screen, ensuring your eyes are protected from CVS.

What is Computer Vision Syndrome?

CVS is a temporary condition caused by extended usage of digital devices, including computer screens. As we concentrate on a computer screen, our eyes continuously adjust to the brightness, contrast, and font sizes, which can lead to eye strain, headaches, and other symptoms.

The University of Iowa’s Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences estimates that up to 90% of people who work on a computer screen will experience the effects of CVS at some point. The good news is, CVS is not a permanent condition, and by taking frequent breaks, we can reduce the risk of developing this syndrome.

How to Prevent Computer Vision Syndrome

The best way to prevent CVS from causing damage to your eyes is to make sure that you take adequate breaks to give your eyes a rest. Frequent short breaks are much better than taking longer but less frequent breaks.

It is also vital to adopt appropriate ergonomic habits, such as maintaining proper posture, adjusting the brightness, contrast and font size appropriately, and ensuring that the screen is positioned at eye level.

EyePro Windows Application for Preventing CVS

EyePro is a free Windows application that can remind you to take short breaks to protect your eyes from CVS. Once configured, EyePro regularly pops up to advise you to take a break from your computer screen. You can customize the time interval for the reminders – we suggest using the default 20-20-20 rule.

The 20-20-20 rule suggests that every 20 minutes, we should look away from the computer screen for 20 seconds and focus on something 20 feet away. In a busy work environment, it’s easy to forget to take these short breaks, but EyePro makes sure you get reminded.

Ergonomic Exercises to Protect Your Hands and Wrists

EyePro doesn’t stop at reminding you to rest your eyes. It also suggests a few ergonomic exercises that you can do to ensure your hands, wrists and other body parts are protected.

These exercises help with stretching and moving your hands, wrists, neck, and shoulders, which can help avoid carpal tunnel syndrome and other repetitive strain injuries.


The digital age has undeniably transformed the way we work and live, and the use of computer screens has become a necessity. However, we also need to be mindful of the ill-effects our extensive usage can bring. Computer Vision Syndrome is a growing health concern, but it’s easy to avoid by taking small and frequent breaks and using an application like EyePro.

By adopting good ergonomic habits, taking adequete breaks and using EyePro, we can protect our eyes and avoid the ill-effects of extended screen-time. If you know anyone who suffers from the symptoms of CVS, we highly recommend sharing EyePro with them to protect their health in the digital age.

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