5 Essential Questions to Overcome Any Problem

”Ask and you will receive. Seek and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.” – Matthew 7:7

We ask ourselves questions everyday. Our questions control our focus, how we think, and how we feel. Asking the right questions is one of the best ways to tackle a problem.

In fact, asking questions is one of the most valuable resources used in professional coaching. And it’s because questions have the power to liberate stress, and find solutions to the issues at hand.

Of all the available questions one could ask themselves, this article will reveal 5 questions that can help you tackle any problem, and prepare you to look for solutions whenever an issue arises.

Question 1: What is great about this problem?

When a problem arises, in some way, it may serve a positive. Asking what is great about the problem will allow you to look for areas in where this problem might serve you. For example, ”This problem is great, because it allows me to grow as a person”.

Question 2: What is not perfect yet?

Sometimes our problems may not be as big as we think they are. Our emotions tend to blow things out of proportion. Instead, ask what is not perfect yet. You may just find your slightly off from solving it.

Example, ” My communication skills aren’t good enough yet, but they will be”.

Question 3: What am I willing to do to make it the way I want it?

When a problem arises, we have to be willing to put in our best efforts to overcome it. What are you willing to do? This question grants an opportunity to list the things you’re willing to do to solve it.

Example, ”I am willing to put in the extra hours, study more books and dedicate my time to my project”.

Question 4: What am I willing to no longer do in order to make it the way I want it?

Sometimes our behaviors of the past have allowed problems to arise. This question allows you to take some responsibility for what is happening and then search for ways in which you can change.

Example, ”I’m no longer willing to speak the way I have been to my partner, and will be more calm in conversation”.

Question 5: How can I enjoy the process while I do what is necessary to make it the way I want it?

This question will help you to look for ways in which tackling the issue can be enjoyable. If we can make resolving the issue pleasurable instead of painful, this will increase our chances of doing what is necessary.

Example, ”I will take the time to explore new environments and meet new people while I work hard to drop this excess weight”.

Special Note:

If you have trouble answering any of these questions, use the world could. Example, ”what could I be most happy about in my life right now?”

”Successful people ask better questions, and as a result, they get better answers.” – Anthony Robbins

The Gift Of Great Questions

Once you know how to ask empowering questions, you can help others as well. In any situation, you can focus on what will make you feel better or what will make you feel worse. Most people are asking the wrong questions, and as a result, they get wrong answers. For example, asking yourself, “Why doesn’t anything work out for me?” is a negative way to face your issues. Instead, focus on the positive aspects of any problem and you will come to a solution much more easily.

In a matter of minutes, the power of asking questions will work their magic. They will reveal the resources that have been available all this time.


Anthony Robbins, (1996), Notes From A Friend, Published by Simon & Schuster Ltd.


Asking ourselves the right questions can have a profound impact on our problem-solving abilities and our overall well-being. These five questions outlined above serve as a powerful tool to help us tackle any problem that arises in our lives. By shifting our focus and mindset, we can find new perspectives, uncover potential opportunities, and take the necessary actions to overcome challenges.

Question one encourages us to identify the positive aspects of the problem and how it can contribute to our personal growth. Question two helps us recognize that our problems may not be as insurmountable as they seem, and that a slight adjustment or change in perspective may lead to a solution. Question three prompts us to define the actions we are willing to take to resolve the problem, fostering a proactive mindset. Question four reminds us to reflect on our own behaviors and habits that may contribute to the problem, and encourages us to let go of negative patterns. Finally, question five emphasizes the importance of finding enjoyment and pleasure in the process of problem-solving, cultivating a resilient and positive attitude.

By consistently asking ourselves these questions, we can train our minds to approach challenges with curiosity, resilience, and a solution-oriented mindset. We can break through the limitations and barriers that hold us back and unlock our full potential. As renowned life coach Anthony Robbins suggests, asking better questions leads to better answers. So, let us embrace the power of questions and use them as a catalyst for personal growth, fulfillment, and success.

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