“5 Easy Tips to Avoid Annoying Your Email Recipients”

Tips for Being a Courteous Emailer: Don’t Be “That Guy”

Email has become an integral part of modern communication. The convenience it offers is unparalleled, facilitating seamless communication across borders and oceans. It has changed the way we communicate entirely, allowing us to send and receive critical information at lightning speeds. However, it has also given rise to a new phenomenon – the time-wasting email. As a knowledge worker, your time is valuable, and your productivity hinges on your ability to stay focused on the task at hand. So, it’s imperative to learn the art of being a courteous emailer and avoid being “that guy” who wastes everyone else’s time with irrelevant content.

Here are some tips to help you become more considerate in your email communication:

Don’t Forward That Message

If someone sent you an email filled with preposterous claims or outrageous conspiracy theories, take a moment to fact-check it before forwarding it to others. It is highly probable that such emails are a hoax and will waste the recipient’s time. Before you hit the send button, ask yourself if the email is actionable, relevant, and will add value to the recipient’s workflow.

Don’t Send Mass Requests to Distribution Lists Indiscriminately

Internal distribution lists should be used for mission-critical communication only. When you send out messages on these lists that are irrelevant and have nothing to do with work, you are wasting the time of the recipients as well as the company’s resources. Instead, use other channels such as Craigslist or social media to disseminate information that is of a personal nature.

Get the Email Monkey Off Your Back

Staying engaged with email all the time increases the likelihood of producing garbled, noisy communication. It’s essential to be judicious about your email responses to prevent abusing the recipient’s mental energy. Communicate your expectations to your colleagues, and let them know that you may not respond to their emails immediately. This will reduce the likelihood of them wasting your time with unnecessary requests.

Ask Whether Your Email is Important

Before you hit the ‘send’ button, ask yourself if the email you are about to send is relevant, necessary, and actionable. Can the recipient easily look up the information themselves? If you’re asking someone to do something for you, ask yourself if their time is being utilized optimally. If you’re not sure, take a moment to re-read your email and make changes as necessary.

Build Good Email Habits By Starting Small

It’s easy to fall into the trap of sending too many emails. So, take some time to review your sent mail and look for areas where you can cut back. During your weekly review, take note of the number of emails you send and try to reduce that number by one the following week. Small, incremental changes can lead to more significant gains in productivity over the long run.

The problem with email is that it allows the email sender to treat everyone’s attention as if it were common property. This produces a predictable “tragedy of the commons” problem whereby everyone’s attention is being over-exploited. Therefore, it’s crucial to learn how to respect others’ time and attention. To be a courteous emailer, you need to be diligent about ensuring that you don’t encroach on other people’s private property – their time and attention.


Email is a powerful tool for communication. Thanks to email, we can send and receive information faster than ever before. However, with the convenience it offers comes the risk of wasting time and attention on irrelevant content. By following the tips mentioned above, you can become a more courteous emailer and avoid being labeled “that guy” who wastes everyone else’s time with pointless communication. Remember, being respectful of other people’s time and attention is not just good manners; it’s also an essential ingredient for productivity and success.

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