30 Surprising Life Hacks You Need To Try Now: How Many Have You Heard Of?

30 Life Hacks Put to the Test: Which Ones Really Work?

Life hacks – those little tips and tricks that promise to make our lives easier – are often touted as game-changers. They promise to save time, money, and effort, and can often leave us feeling like we’ve stumbled upon a secret that will change everything. But do these hacks really work as advertised? John Green of Mental Floss decided to find out.

Green tested 30 life hacks from around the internet, putting each one to the test to see if they lived up to their promises. He passed 19 of them and failed 11 of them, revealing which hacks were truly worth trying and which ones we should skip.

Reheating Leftovers

One of the hacks Green tested was the common suggestion to reheat leftovers by moving the food to the edge of the plate, creating a hollow center that will cook more evenly. This hack is a popular one, and for good reason – it works! Green found that the dish he reheated using this method was indeed heated more evenly than the one he didn’t.

The Ice Water Hack

The hack involving a half bottle of ice topped off with tap water also passed the test, as Green discovered that it did indeed produce ice-cold water. It’s worth noting, however, that this “hack” is essentially the same thing as filling a glass with ice cubes and then pouring water over them.

Chips and Fire

Interestingly enough, Green found that the internet does know a thing or two about eating chips. He tested two different hacks involving a Doritos bag – one that claimed to make it easier to eat chips using chopsticks, and another that suggested turning the bag into a makeshift bowl. While the chopstick hack failed, the bowl hack worked – but not without some unintended consequences. Green accidentally set his studio on fire with the contents of the bag.

Other Hacks and Their Results

Some other notable hacks Green tested included:

– Using a clothespin to hold a nail in place while hammering: Passed
– Applying toothpaste to remove scuffs from shoes: Failed
– Using a rubber band to secure a stripped screw: Passed
– Placing a wooden spoon over a pot to prevent boiling over: Passed
– Tying a zip tie around a luggage handle for easy identification: Passed

Overall, Green found that many of these hacks were simply not worth the effort. While some did indeed work, others either didn’t work as advertised or were just not practical. For example, the hack that suggested using a muffin tin to cook eggs in the oven might work well if you’re cooking for a large group, but it’s not particularly useful for someone cooking for one or two people.

The Importance of Testing Hacks Yourself

The takeaway from Green’s experiment is that not all life hacks are created equal. While some might work well for some people, others might find them to be a waste of time or effort. It’s important to test these hacks for yourself to see if they work in your own life, and to take the results with a grain of salt – what works for one person might not work for another.

In conclusion, while life hacks can be a fun and useful way to make our lives easier, it’s important to approach them with a healthy dose of skepticism. Not every hack will work as advertised, and some might even cause unexpected results (like setting your studio on fire). But with some experimentation and a willingness to try new things, we can find the hacks that truly make a difference in our lives.

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