“3 Proven Strategies to Conquer Startup Fears”

Starting a business is one of the most liberating, life-changing things you can do. However, the journey from seeing your vision to achieving it can feel daunting and almost impossible. The fear of failure can be overwhelming, and before you know it, you may find yourself retracting and losing enthusiasm for your project.

It’s essential to overcome these fears and move towards making your dream a reality. Here are three practical tactics to help you overcome your big startup fears:

1. Accept that you are not a psychic

Fear is the most potent emotion that prevents many people from taking the step towards starting a business. Fear is the worry of events, situations, or circumstances that haven’t occurred. You worry about something that hasn’t happened yet, and it’s torturing you. However, when you make rational decisions, you should not fear the unknown. Accepting that bad things may happen in your business is part of learning.

To attract positivity, let go of your fears and understand that they exist to protect you, not control you. To side-sweep your fears, you need to break free from the cage they have created for you. You can do this by acknowledging your fears, recognizing that they exist in the mind and not yet in reality, and then letting them go.

2. Reset Your Program

Your mind runs on its program, and the environment in which you’ve grown up and the experiences you’ve faced shape it. If your mindset is focused on negative thoughts, you’ll limit yourself and miss opportunities. Reprogramming yourself is key to overcoming your fears. Start by becoming conscious of your thought patterns so that you can sense and feel your negativity.

When your experience includes negative emotions, your body language changes; your face and aura change. Recognize these changes and consciously alter them by committing to seeing yourself and others in a positive light. We all have different traits, personalities, and perspectives, and acknowledging this can only respond positively. A positive mirror reflects positivity back to you, creating positive energy around you.

Next, find a quiet place and use a pen and paper to write down all your worries, anxieties, or things on your ‘To-do’ list. Listen to your subconscious as you begin to ask deeper questions, understand why it has not been working towards your goals, and its fears. Ask yourself why it is pushing against you and what it’s protecting you from.

Start with broad reasons and dig deeper to get specific answers. For instance, suppose your subconscious mind has a broad fear of success. In that case, you can think further beyond what scares you about success, such as whether it means growing apart from your partner or having more people rely on you. Being aware of the specific reasons why your fears exist is valuable information that you will use to turn things around and reprogram your negative mindset. Speak to your subconscious in a way that works for you and find ways to work together and not against each other.

3. Planning Makes Perfect

The journey towards starting a business may seem overwhelming if you are a one-person show. There’s so much that needs to be done, and every hurdle and potential downfall can make you fear starting a business. However, when you have a plan and every step is laid out in front of you, the journey doesn’t seem as intimidating — the huge leap becomes small steps, and if you plan each step, you slowly build your business.

The key to startup planning is being productive and not busy. You need to create a comprehensive to-do list of everything that needs to be done in your business, from the biggest to the smallest of tasks – in different groups.

The first group should focus on tasks that contribute to your startup’s growth, such as product creation and networking, while the other groups are based on tasks that need to be completed but are not urgent. Understanding what tasks need to be done to grow your business is crucial, and you should dedicate your time and resources to those essential steps.


Starting a business is a scary and life-changing step to take. As humans, we tend to fear the unknown, but we can break free from these fears and make the visions in our heads a reality. Fear is the worry of events and situations that haven’t happened yet. By acknowledging our fears, reprogramming our mindset, and planning each step towards our goals, we can keep moving towards achieving our dreams, no matter how overwhelming they may seem.

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