22 Proven Ways Creativity Boosts Success in People With Creative Outlets

Every person has a unique passion that they love to indulge in. For some, it may be painting, while for others, running may be their thing. Regardless of what it is, engaging in a hobby or creative outlet that brings joy and meaning to life can significantly impact one’s success. Recent research conducted at San Francisco State University shows that people who have a creative outlet outside of work tend to perform better at their jobs. Not just that, but businesses based on personal pastimes are more likely to turn a profit.

If you are searching for a way to add fulfillment and purpose to your life while boosting your chances of success, you can learn how to create and sustain a happy and thriving lifestyle. Here are 22 reasons why people with creative outlets are more likely to be successful:

1. Refreshed and More Productive

Taking a break from the routine of work can lead to increased productivity and a higher quality of work in your professional life. Research shows that art forms, such as writing and drawing, can also improve focus and energy. If you want to finish more work in less time while feeling refreshed, try engaging in an activity that you enjoy.

2. Happier and More Engaged

Engaging in creative outlets outside of work has been shown to lower stress levels and increase happiness levels. This leads to a sense of purpose and effectiveness at work, resulting in better evaluations from managers and customers. Given that only 13% of employees worldwide enjoy their jobs, this is a crucial finding that can significantly impact one’s level of success.

3. New Ways of Doing Things

People with creative pastimes tend to develop creative problem-solving skills that lead to new ways of doing things at work. Engaging in an activity that you love can help inspire you to come up with creative solutions to problems.

4. Makes Space for Breakthroughs

Carving out time in your busy day for creative outlets, such as drawing or yoga, can lead to breakthrough ideas that solve various work-related problems. Research at Stanford shows that simply walking can lead to creative thinking. Breathing fresh air, practicing mindfulness, and engaging in physical activity can free up your mind and allow you to think more creatively.

5. Developing Unique Talents

Everyone has a unique talent. However, these abilities can be difficult to pinpoint, as they come naturally to us. By making a commitment to developing your innate potential, you can excel and find creative ways to implement your skills into your professional life.

6. Get in The Zone

When people engage in an activity they enjoy, such as playing sports, they tend to lose track of time and get “in the zone.” This state of being allows individuals to access powerful thoughts and create their best work.

7. Overcome Setbacks and Obstacles

Engaging in hobbies makes individuals more resilient in the face of adversity. By finding ways around roadblocks and continuing to engage in something that they love, people can withstand challenges that arise at work.

8. Personal Accomplishments Carry Over to Work

Completing a personal project or honing a skill for a hobby can boost self-confidence and provide greater life satisfaction. This accomplishment carries over into your work life and translates into a hard-working attitude that employers appreciate.

9. Trust Your Gut and Act on It

Following your passion can lead you to trust your intuition more clearly and act on it. Steve Jobs, for example, developed his exquisite aesthetic sense through his hobby of calligraphy. Trusting his instincts helped him transform the tech industry.

10. See The World Through Fresh Eyes

Learning something new, such as playing a musical instrument or taking up a new sport, can provide a fresh perspective on a product or service. The ability to see things from a different angle often leads to innovative ideas.

11. Blur The Line Between Work and Play

Some of the best ideas come from fusing work and leisure activities. Chuck Hebestreit, for example, played guitar to relax after his day job. When he noted that finger oil deadened the strings, he found a solution with help from colleagues, launching his company, Elixir Strings.

12. Recognize and Seize Opportunities

Personal hobbies and activities can provide insight on what can become the next big idea or entrepreneurial venture. Jim Jannard’s sweaty hands from motorcycling led him to design the better grip found in Oakley’s sports equipment and eyewear.

13. See The Bigger Picture

Mistakes, roadblocks, or accidents can raise the challenge of thinking bigger and more creatively. Arthur Fry recommended using a colleague’s failed glue’s weaker adhesive for marking his hymnal. This problem led to Post-it Notes, which is now ubiquitous. Opportunities that arise outside of our workplace can inspire solutions that we may optimize and translate to help in our careers and personal life.

14. Whole Is Greater Than the Sum of Its Parts

Merging our business and personal interests provides an opportunity for a transfer of knowledge and experience. Beto Perez was a fitness instructor who stumbled upon his inspiring fitness music during the crisis of leaving his aerobics music at home. Today, his creation-Zumba-was born out of his love for exercise and Latin American music. A cross-pollination between hobbies can create a synergistic effect in the way we think.

15. Become a Solid Team Player

Many creative lessons from hobbies translate to professional skills, cultivating teamwork and camaraderie. A football player willingly sacrifices his interests for the team’s common good. These skills translate well in business, driving team success and client satisfaction.

16. Develop a Good Sense of Timing

In creative pursuits, perfect timing is essential for a perfect performance. This skill transfers to professional life in developing the ability to do things at the perfect time, with perfect results. Wealth Migrate CEO Scott Picken, for example, realized his passion for developing entrepreneur communities, which has since become an essential part of his job.

Engaging in a hobby or creative activity can significantly impact one’s success in professional and personal life. Making time for what you enjoy not only boosts performance at work but also results in a happier and more fulfilled life outside of it. So, find your passion, hone your skills in it, and translate your creative endeavors into your professional life to achieve greater success.

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