It Is Easier than Ever These Days to Start Your Own Business with These 20 Resources
Starting your own business can be one of the most rewarding and challenging experiences one can pursue. There are a plethora of resources available today which can help guide you through the process and ensure that your entrepreneurial journey gets off on the right foot. Here are 20 websites that will be of great help from the initial stages of ideation to funding and launching your startup.
Complete A-Z Resources
1. SBA (Small Business Administration) – The SBA is a great resource for anyone thinking about starting or currently running a company. They have more resources than any other entity that puts you well on your way to success. The SBA should be on immediate speed dial while starting out your business.
2. SCORE – This is a great resource that provides free direct mentoring to anyone starting a business. SCORE works with SBA and provides you with professionals that have already achieved what you are trying to accomplish. Don’t try and invent the wheel, get some initial guidance from experienced professionals – SCORE is a valuable resource that you cannot afford to overlook.
3. My Own Business – This site is a gold mine of resources that were not available even a decade ago. It gives you classes that you can take for free, guiding you through preparation and success in your entrepreneurial journey.
4. BPlans – As the name suggests, BPlans is a site that is a one-stop-shop for anyone looking to build their business plan. From pitching your idea to funding your business, to managing it once you’ve launched, this site provides a plethora of business tools.
5. StartupNation – StartupNation is basically an entrepreneurial temple. It has everything that you need to start your business: partnered groups, forum, radio shows, and even venture-backed companies that are already successful.
6. AllBusiness – If you are looking for a site that covers everything from home-based businesses, online businesses, franchising, buying or selling businesses, then you should head over to AllBusiness. This site provides eBooks, guides, and many other valuable resources that will propel you in the right direction no matter which industry you are in.
7. Business Know-How – If you are new to starting a business, Business Know-How have you covered from scratch to marketing, to HR, to your financials. It is a great resource for every phase of starting a small business.
8. Small Business News, Trends, and Ideas – This is a great site for the latest small business news which is essential to keep up with the fast pace of entrepreneurship.
9. Entrepreneur – Entrepreneur is an industry leader that covers different facets of business, from writing business plans to what you need to make it as your boss. With insightful articles, Entrepreneur is an essential read for anyone looking to start a business.
10. Inc – The Inc sites are one of the industry leaders that provide small business ideas and resources for entrepreneurs. It is a great source of ideas and inspiration, and you’ll definitely find what other successful entrepreneurs have done to achieve success.
11. The Huffington Post – The Huffington Post is your go-to website for ideas and general information when it comes to setting up and running a small business. It has a ton of current news essential for any small business.
12. For Entrepreneurs – David Skok is a serial entrepreneur turned VC who has written for this site and provides excellent guidance to entrepreneurs who are starting their own companies.
13. The Self-Employed – Created by Steve Strauss, who happens to be the bestselling author of “The Small Business Bible,” this site is a one-stop-shop that provides you with relevant articles, how-to videos, podcasts, forums, and special offers that are all designed specifically for the self-employed.
Social Media
14. Facebook – Marketing is one of the most crucial elements in creating a successful business, and Facebook offers you a way to gain customers while increasing your customer base as your business grows.
15. WordStream – WordStream is an all-in-one social media manager that offers a great helicopter view of how to manage your social media account.
16. Shake – Without the correct legal strategies, your business is at risk of crumbling because you didn’t have the right document signed. Shake helps you understand the legalities of operating your small business, from terminology to contracts, this site is an excellent resource.
17. Startup Company Lawyer – Starting or running a small business involves some legal obligations, but don’t worry if the overpriced rents are putting you off; Startup Company Lawyer provides superb legal insights through posts.
18. Fundable – Depending on what type of business you are starting, funding can be one of the reasons that would kill your idea. Fundable provides an excellent choice for those looking to raise funds when personal loan options are exhausted.
19. Fundera – Filling out a single application is all you need to access Fundera, which will match you with up to three compatible lenders, a great time saver.
20. Onevest – Consider Onevest when you want to do some crowdfunding to get your business started. You can raise up to five million from investors with demonstrated results.
You have everything you need in these resources, from starting up to producing content and fundraising that best suits what you want from your business. The above list has everything you need to get started and keep you running smoothly, and you can’t afford to miss out on these ventures that offer a plethora of useful resources. What are you waiting for? Start your entrepreneurial journey, and use these resources to enhance your chances of success.
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