20 Body Language Hacks to Improve Your Communication Skills

For most, communication begins and ends with words. Whether it’s a conversation in business, a personal relationship, or simply meeting someone new, words can carry a great deal of weight. However, there are other factors to consider when interpreting someone’s intention. One such factor is body language indicators. Our bodies make a multitude of unconscious motions, depending on the situation at hand. Understanding and interpreting body language cues can improve confidence and even boost negotiation success in both personal and professional settings.

Eye contact is one of the most recognizable body language cues. Steady eye contact for several seconds is considered good, and it can help create a positive first impression. Conversely, looking downward while smiling could be a sign of hiding one’s true feelings or being uncomfortable. Restless hands, such as drumming on a desk or chair with fingers and tapping feet, can indicate impatience, restlessness, or even anger. Similarly, restless legs could signify the same emotions or restlessness syndrome.

Putting one’s hands on the hips is a power stance, and it can trigger feelings of intimidation or unease, especially in tense conversations. Tilting one’s head can be interpreted as confusion in certain situations, but it can also indicate active listening and engagement. Holding one’s hands behind the back is ambiguous, and there can be many reasons for doing so, such as a sign of respect, power, or uncertainty.

Balling up one’s fists is a clear indicator of frustration and could even lead to physical violence, whereas touching someone in a non-violent manner generally makes them feel comfortable. For instance, pats on the back, hugs, or high-fives are all connected to affective touch, which creates a pleasurable sensation in the other person. Crossed arms can suggest that a person is defensive or doesn’t want to talk about something, but it could also mean that they’re trying to comfort themselves or are generally uncomfortable.

Looking up, either to access one’s imagination while telling a fib, or as a sign of happiness, relief, and joy, is a recognizable body language cue. When someone is comfortable with you, they won’t mind standing or sitting near you, which is punctuated by physical proximity. Eye widening or eyebrow-raising is a sign of surprise, while persistent looking around is most often a sign of boredom. Stomping, typically associated with anger, can also be used to intimidate people or animals. Finally, clearing one’s throat may not always be due to an illness. In social situations, a nervous person may clear their throat as an attempt to calm themselves down.

Understanding and interpreting body language cues can enhance communication success in various settings. Though we often think in terms of words being the primary mode of communication, body language indicators can be equally important. By observing and interpreting these cues, we can better understand someone’s true intentions and use this knowledge to communicate more effectively. Whether it’s in business, a relationship, or meeting new people, mastering the art of body language can be invaluable.

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