13 Must-Have Skills to Supercharge Your Career Progression

Transferable skills are a set of skills that can be applied in multiple job roles and positions in various industries. These skills are highly valued in the corporate world because they can be used and transferred companywide. Transferable skills include problem-solving, teamwork, leadership, time management, and personal motivation. Interpersonal skills such as dependability, active listening, and communication are also crucial in transferable skills.

In today’s fast-paced business environment, transferable skills are essential for career success. Employers seek individuals who possess transferable skills and are capable of adapting to changes in the workplace. Being able to transfer a skill set from one job to another allows employees to broaden their job opportunities and maximize their potential for success.

The following are 13 transferable skills that can be used in different job types and industries:

1. Cross-functional collaboration: The ability to collaborate with multiple departments on initiatives that impact the entire organization.

2. Personal development: The ability to take ownership of one’s development and progress.

3. Analytical skills: The ability to analyze and evaluate critical information.

4. Adaptability: The ability to learn quickly and adapt to change.

5. Organization: The ability to organize tasks and meet important deadlines.

6. Public speaking: The ability to lead meetings and speak in front of groups.

7. Relationship building/management: The ability to establish and nurture relationships which means you have the ability to network.

8. Coaching/mentoring: The ability to develop and train other employees.

9. Customer service: The ability to interact with people in a professional manner.

10. Bilingual/multi-lingual: The ability to communicate and translate between international partners, customers, sponsors, etc.

11. Planning: The ability to identify problems, develop strategies, and define requirements.

12. Project management: The ability to manage projects and initiatives, including managing project finances and reporting.

13. Negotiating: The ability to debate, deliberate, and reach agreements.

These transferable skills are developed at every stage of life. Being a member of clubs/organizations, being a college student, volunteering work, internships, and entry-level jobs are some of the ways to develop transferable skills. These skills are enhanced and get better with time.

To highlight transferable skills on a resume and cover letter, applicants should review the job posting or job requisition thoroughly to determine the skill set required/desired by the employer. Applicant tracking systems are used by corporations to assist with recruitment and hiring processes. The resume and cover letter should be specific to the job being applied to, and the applicant should highlight transferable skills within the qualifications summary and area of expertise. Further elaboration on the cover letter is recommended.

For individuals seeking a career change, transferable skills play a crucial role. Highlighting the transferable skills that apply to the new role is essential in resume and cover letter development strategy. By determining the skills needed by thoroughly reviewing the job posting, individuals can highlight transferred skills required and desired because the resume and cover letter must speak to the job being applied to.

In conclusion, transferable skills are an essential aspect of career success. The ability to transfer a skill set from one job to another increases job opportunities and maximizes potential for success. Employers seek individuals who possess transferable skills and are capable of adapting to changes in the workplace. Individuals should develop transferable skills by taking advantage of opportunities at every stage of life and highlight them on their resume and cover letter.

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