“11 Musical Instruments That Will Surprise You – Unearthed from Around the World!”

Exploring the World of Unique Musical Instruments: 10 Bizarre Options to Try


For people who love music and have an interest in musical instruments, exploring unique and unconventional options can be a thrilling experience. While we are all familiar with common instruments such as guitar, piano, and drums, there are still a plethora of bizarre options that can blow our minds. From the triangular-shaped contrabass balalaika to the electric acoustic yaybahar, the glass harmonica, and the water-played hydraulophone, this article will introduce ten unusual instruments that are worth checking out.

Contrabass Balalaika

Originated from Russia in the 17th century, the contrabass balalaika is a triangle-shaped instrument that is played with fingers. This large triangular guitar-like instrument looks and plays uniquely, making it a rare and interesting instrument to explore.


The yaybahar is a recent invention by Turkish musician Gorkem Sen. It’s played using drums and coiled springs and produces an electric yet 100% acoustic sound. This hybrid instrument can be hard to describe but is worth checking out to understand its unique and mesmerizing sound.

Glass Harmonica

Consisting of a series of glass bowls that produce various notes and tones based on size, the glass harmonica produces a unique and beautiful sound. The player typically uses friction from their fingers on the spinning glass to create a melody. This instrument was invented by Benjamin Franklin in 1761 and has been popular ever since.


The hydraulophone is a one-of-a-kind instrument that produces sound using direct contact with water. Invented by Steve Mann, this instrument is as bizarre as it sounds. The sound is generated hydraulically by touching the water, making it an incredibly cool instrument to try out.

Jaw Harp

Also known as the GewGew in England or Jew’s Harp, this small metal or bamboo instrument has a flexible tongue inside that produces the vibrations when it’s played. The performer places the jaw harp in their mouth and plucks the tongue to produce a sound, which can be altered by lip and tongue movement.


An ancient instrument from Denmark and Germany, the lur is a horned instrument without finger holes. It’s played by manipulating the shape of one’s embouchure and can be made of wood or bronze. This bizarre instrument looks and sounds exceptional, making it a must-try for enthusiasts.

Picasso Guitar

Designed by jazz guitarist Pat Metheny, the Picasso guitar has four necks, two sound holes and 42 strings. This unusual guitar produces a unique sound that not just any guitar can make.


The sharpsichord is a complex instrument built with several thousand holes and a solar-powered cylinder that plucks strings inside the instrument. It took Henry Dagg five years to build the sharpsichord, making it a unique musical instrument that not many people have seen.


The didgeridoo is an ancient Australian instrument that dates back over 40,000 years. It’s essentially a large tube that is played with vibrating lips. With no finger holes, the performer uses a technique called circular breathing to continuously produce sound. Various versions of didgeridoos exist today.


The Zeusaphone is an instrument that creates music using Tesla coils, which light up the stage with electrical arcs. By connecting the Tesla coils to a computer or keyboard synthesizer, one can produce sound through the breathtaking visual display.


The world of music is filled with unique and unconventional instruments that can blow our minds. From the triangular-shaped contrabass balalaika to the electric acoustic yaybahar, the glass harmonica, and the water-played hydraulophone, exploring these unusual instruments can be a thrilling adventure. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced musician, trying out these bizarre instruments can help you discover new talents and expand your musical knowledge.

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