10 Winter Skincare Tips to Achieve Glowing and Healthy Skin

Winter Skin: Tips on How to Combat Dryness, Flaking and Chapping

Winter can be a magical time of the year, especially with snowflakes falling and holiday cheer in the air. Unfortunately, with the cold weather comes “winter skin,” a condition characterized by rough, dry cheeks, chapped lips, flaking, cracking, and even hives or eczema in severe cases. Winter can be harsh on the skin, but there are ways to combat the damage caused by freezing winds, snow, and hail. In this article, we’ll share some helpful tips to keep your skin soft, supple, and healthy during the winter months.

Change Your Moisturizer

The lightweight moisturizer that you use during summertime won’t cut it in winter. To prevent damage caused by cold weather, use creams with a heavier oil content, as the oils create a protective layer on the skin’s surface. Creams rich in avocado or sweet almond oil are ideal for your face, but avoid using cocoa or shea butter, as it can clog pores. If you’re prone to breakouts, consult an aesthetician or dermatologist for a cream that suits your skin type.

Don’t forget that your entire body needs special care during winter. Although you might notice the damage caused by cold weather on your hands and feet, you might not be aware of dry patches on your legs or arms. Use a good body lotion with cocoa or shea butter to restore moisture to your limbs, leaving you soft and supple all over.


If you spend a lot of time outside, don’t forget to wear sunscreen, as your skin can be subjected to just as much UV damage in winter as in summer. Apply a layer of SPF 15 before putting on your makeup.


Gentle exfoliation once a week removes dry, dead skin from your cheeks and forehead. Don’t go overboard with it, as excessive scrubbing increases wear and tear, causing more harm than good. For the rest of your body, use a homemade exfoliant, like a salt or sugar scrub, to slough off dead skin cells and leave you soft and smooth all over.

Wear Lip Balm

The skin on your lips is the thinnest and most sensitive on your entire body. Take care of your lips by protecting them from cold damage. Use unflavoured lip balms with a carnauba or beeswax base, and apply it regularly. Avoid using petroleum jelly as a lip balm, as it clogs up pores and prevents moisture absorption by the skin.

Shorten Your Bath Time

Immersing yourself in hot water for long periods of time can deplete your body of moisture, leaving you thirsty. Although soaking in a hot bath can be blissful in this weather, try to limit your wallowing time or reduce the water temperature. Scalding showers can also suck moisture out of your body, so keep them short.

Stay Hydrated

Drinking water doesn’t moisturize your skin directly, but it keeps your cells in top working order. Keeping yourself hydrated reflects in every area of your life, including skin cells. Flushing toxins out of your body with plenty of fluids often keeps you from breaking out.

Final Thoughts

Winter skin can be challenging, but you can combat its effects by using a few simple techniques. Change your moisturizer to a heavier oil content, use sunscreen, exfoliate gently, wear lip balm with a natural base, reduce bath time, and stay hydrated. Eating properly and getting regular sleep will improve your overall well-being, which will be reflected in the state of your skin. Wear proper outerwear, like gloves and scarves, to protect your skin from nose to toes when outside. With these tips, you can keep your skin soft, supple, and healthy throughout the winter season.

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