10 Ways Critical Thinking Turns Ordinary Children into Extraordinary Adults

Critical Thinking Skills: Key Traits and Ways to Improve Them

From the very beginning of our lives, we learn to act and think based on conditioning. It’s a natural process that shapes our survival skills, but as we mature, we need to develop critical thinking skills to lead a successful and fulfilling life. Critical thinking is the ability to look at information objectively, assess the situation, and make sound judgments. To perfect critical thinking, we need to learn, practice, develop, and perfect a few specific traits that facilitate the process. In this article, we will discuss ten essential traits of sound critical thinking skills, and ten ways to improve them.

Ten Traits of Sound Critical Thinking Skills

1. Empathy: To think critically, you need to be able to put yourself in someone else’s shoes. Empathy is crucial as it allows you to understand and connect with different perspectives and experiences.

2. Impartiality: Objectivity is crucial in critical thinking. You must be able to assess issues from two opposing sides and consider all the factors in between. Being impartial helps you make informed decisions based on facts, not personal biases.

3. Evidence: In critical thinking, you need to rely on facts rather than hypotheses. You need to look at proven and tested information that supports various aspects of an issue or decision.

4. Creativity: Sometimes, finding answers to complex issues requires unconventional thinking. You need to be able to think laterally and consider diverse perspectives to come to a decision.

5. Ethics: Critical thinking always involves considering the impact of your actions on others. Decisions should benefit all parties involved and avoid harming anyone.

6. Survival: Risk-taking is crucial in critical thinking. You need to be able to take calculated risks to make tough decisions that preserve something more important.

7. Competition: Strive to stay relevant without becoming arrogant. Winning at all costs isn’t the goal, but taking on challenges and achieving goals despite obstacles is rewarding.

8. Research: Having all the necessary information is vital in making the right decisions. Make sure you have current, relevant, peer-reviewed, and authentic information about the issues you face.

9. Justice: When making decisions, consider whether they are the right thing to do. Consider the consequences and be willing to stand by your choices.

10. Self-assurance: Confidence is a crucial trait of critical thinkers. It shouldn’t come from a place of privilege or achievement alone, but from hard work and earned knowledge.

Ten Ways to Improve Your Critical Thinking Disposition

1. Ask questions: Questioning is one of the most powerful tools for critical thinking. Don’t accept anything without thoroughly exploring its intricacies.

2. Read: To improve your critical thinking skills, you need to stay informed. Read widely and get educated about different perspectives on the issues you face.

3. Look at the opposing argument: Don’t look for information that confirms your point of view only. Instead, seek out the opposing views to understand the other side of the argument.

4. Listen to the experts: Seek advice from professionals, elders, academics, and those who have traveled a path you might face in the future.

5. Consider your own experiences: Acknowledge your unique point of view and life journey. How can your insight and story contribute to the decision-making process?

6. Investigate history: Previous decisions and situations can shed light on the way things have manifested and evolved. It can provide valuable insights for the future.

7. Learn from your mistakes: Failure is an opportunity to learn. Reflect on past failures, learn from them, and apply those lessons in future decision-making.

8. Do things differently: Stepping out of your comfort zone and doing things differently may lead to better results. Adopting new patterns and habits can offer fresh perspectives.

9. Have courage to be contrary: Don’t be afraid to go against the grain. Sometimes, thinking outside the box and sharing a unique perspective leads to significant achievements.

10. Be willing to change your mind: Admitting that you might have been wrong is a sign of maturity. Critical thinking is about being open to diverse perspectives, and sometimes that means changing your point of view.


Critical thinking is essential for success and personal fulfillment in life. It is a skill that can be developed and improved over time, by learning from examples, trial and error, and through self-determination. To become an effective critical thinker, you need to develop traits such as empathy, objectivity, creativity, ethics, and self-assurance. You can also improve your critical thinking skills by continually seeking knowledge, comprehending the opposing perspectives, and being willing to change. Ultimately, by following these guidelines and adopting these critical thinking skills, you can make better decisions, enhance your life experience, and help others.

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