10 Stunning Photos You Can Take With This Instant Camera Case for Your iPhone and Android

Prynt: Bringing Back the Joy of Instant Photography with Smartphone Accessories

The Rise and Fall of Instant Photography

Instant photography was a product ahead of its time when it first came out in 1948 with the introduction of Polaroid cameras. Instant film had been beloved by many people ranging from movie script supervisors to police departments. It was a way of taking photographs that provide an immediate tangible result.

However, the advent of digital cameras and smartphones has reduced the popularity of instant film. Instant film cameras now hold only a small portion of the market and are mostly seen as a novelty item.

The Kitsch Appeal of Physical Instant Photographs Remains

Despite the decline in popularity of instant film, many people still find the kitsch appeal of physical instant photographs alluring. The joy of holding a photo in one’s hands immediately after taking a shot is something that digital photographs cannot replicate.

Polaroids and instant film cameras have become collectors’ items, with many people willing to shell out good money for a vintage camera to take instant photos with. However, it’s surprising that no one has managed to get a successful campaign going for a smartphone accessory that can instantly print digital snaps as physical photos.

Introducing Prynt – The Instant Camera Case for Smartphones

Prynt is a French startup based partially in San Francisco that has initiated a wildly popular Kickstarter campaign to get its smartphone case that, at the time of writing, has raised almost $1.4 million. It is the most serious endeavor so far to create an instant photo accessory for smartphones.

The current model of the Prynt case takes 50 seconds to print a photo and holds only one piece of paper at a time. However, the startup plans to release a consumer version that will take fewer than 30 seconds to print and can hold 10-30 sheets of paper. The ink is embedded in the paper itself, so users don’t have to worry about ink cartridges.

Prynt’s Unique Feature: Video Clips with Printed Photos

The Prynt case has a unique feature – the ability to watch video clips with Prynt’s app by viewing a printed photo through your camera lens. When you take a photo with Prynt, it records a short video after the moment you clicked the button for the photo. When you hold up the physical photo to your phone’s camera with the app open, you can play the clip.

Users can take a new picture with the app or select one from their camera roll, Facebook or Instagram. Filters and frames will also be introduced in the app.

Compatibility and Pricing

The Prynt case currently works with iPhone 5 and iPhone 6 as well as Android Galaxy S4 and S5. A special mount is currently in the works to accommodate larger phones like the iPhone 6 Plus and the Samsung Note 4.

The case is set to launch later this year at a cost of $99, which is affordable and within reach of most smartphone users.


Prynt has managed to create an innovative and attractive product that rekindles the joy of instant photography. Its unique feature of being able to play video clips with printed photos is a plus that makes it stand apart from other instant photography accessories.

It remains to be seen if Prynt will be able to gain a significant share of the market or if it will be consigned to niche use. However, the signs are encouraging, and the success of its Kickstarter campaign indicates that there is still a demand for instant photography in the digital age.

The Prynt case is a must-have accessory for anyone who craves the tactile and immediate gratification of instant film photography, but with a modern twist that makes it possible to share and experience photographs in a way that was not possible with Polaroids or other instant film cameras.

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