10 Steps to Ditching Your Dreadful Job and Pursuing Your Passion

Everyone of us has a plan in our head that was taken over by family responsibilities, social pressure or sheep mentality. This made us a slave to instant gratification and started killing our plan and dreams. It is essential to realize that no amount of salary can exceed your desire to do something that you are really passionate about.

If you hate your job and have thought about leaving your job, here’s how to quit your job and start doing what you love:

1. Identify if you really want to quit to follow your passion

The first step towards quitting your job is identifying the reasons that are discouraging you from going to work. If these reasons are not related to your office environment or if your ultimate goal is to pay your bills from your job, you should consider getting a new job in the same field. Remember, it’s better to be an experienced receptionist than to live a dream that is not yours.

2. Start with a side hustle and keep it going

The next step is to work on your side hustle and build it up enough to gain confidence to quit your job. Work on building the website, writing down the business plan, designing your product, making marketing collaterals or doing whatever it takes for you to start working full time on your new venture before quitting your current job.

You could also consider part-time working opportunities if your current job takes up a lot of your energy. This way, you could save your energy and dedicate more time to your side hustle. Make sure that you don’t quit until your new venture really demands your full-time dedication. You might lose interest in your new venture if you fall short of survival money.

3. Save enough to pay your bills

If you need to pursue your passion, you need your monthly bills to be taken care of, without any worries. Cut down on unnecessary expenses and save those extra bucks while you are still at your current job. Forget about those weekend parties and social outings unless they’re meant for networking. It makes no sense to quit your job without having any savings. Your new venture will not start paying you immediately. Starting a recurring deposit account is a good idea to start off with. Put aside a considerable amount every month when you receive your paycheck and forget about that money until you quit your job.

4. Write down your goals

It is important to have visual proof and a daily reminder of why you quit your job and started a new hustle. Write down your goals and read them at least once a week. If you are a forgetful person, create cell phone or desktop wallpapers of your goals and set them until you achieve them. Visual proof keeps you on track.

These goals are the bigger picture of what you wish to achieve in your pursuit to doing what you love. For example, if you wish to design the best dresses in the whole state, write it down. If you wish to fly to Mars, write it down. If you really wish to give up your career for something, it better be worth remembering every day. Show it to yourself daily.

5. Make a plan

Write down a plan of action for the next 12 months. It’s like writing down an elaborate execution plan in your calendar. This could be a daily, weekly or monthly to-do list of your tasks to achieve your goals. Ensure that you know what you’re going to do next and not run like a headless chicken after two months of working for yourself. Review the plan time and again to track your progress. This will give you a clear picture of your performance and your shortcomings. Also, have a backup plan. Even great planners and strategists fail before achieving success. Ensure that you have a second plan if your first one does not work out as you predicted.

6. Get professional advice

Talk to experienced people in the field you want to venture out. Go to networking events and connect with people in your industry. Most people will help you out with good advice and good contacts. Take professional courses in part-time colleges. Networking with teachers can be of great help since they can connect you with influential people and help you analyze your plan.

7. Prepare yourself to put in a resignation

Prepare yourself mentally to quit your job after you’ve realized the potential and prepared yourself to take a deep dive into your new profession. Leave on a friendly note. Don’t burn bridges with your bosses. These connections could help you further in your profession. It’s better to have a face-to-face conversation with your boss or reporting manager than sending a surprise mail. Tell them sincerely about your new venture and why it is important for you. Serve the notice period completely and work until the last day. This will maintain your respect and keep your relationships intact.

8. Be prepared to get your hands dirty

As an entrepreneur, you have to do everything that’s needed to keep your work going. You have to perform all the tasks needed to keep your new venture going. You have to be a janitor, an administrator, an accountant, a designer, or a salesperson all at once. There would be a point where you will have to perform tasks that aren’t your favorite. Be ready to perform such tasks without cringing.

9. Have no baggage

Clear all your loans, debts, and pending commitments before starting off. You want to fully concentrate on your new activity and not be burdened by any weight. You would want to enjoy your freedom to work incessantly. No distractions whatsoever are allowed to come close to you when you are fully involved in the rhythm of development. Shun away from materialism!

10. Don’t be in two minds

It’s good to analyze the best and worst possibilities in your head, but it’s not good to doubt yourself constantly. Move ahead with confidence. It’s your life, your plan, and your rules. Nothing and nobody can stop you from doing what you wish to do. The more you start getting noticed, the more people will point fingers at you. Don’t let them affect you and create doubts in your head.

11. Learn to handle failure

You are going to be a loser, and it’s a good thing! If you fail and lose, you will learn not to repeat the same mistakes and make yourself stronger with every punch you throw out. It takes time until you start losing. The key is not to be demotivated by failure. The more the failure, the closer you are to success.

12. Try your hands in investing in the stock market or cryptocurrency

It’s a good way to keep your side income rolling in. While you are busy building your dream project, you could invest your money in the stock market or cryptocurrency and let it grow while you sleep. Find a good stockbroker who has enough experience to not lose your money. Stop immediately if you are losing a lot of money. Don’t burn away your money.

13. Keep a healthy routine

It’s easy to forget about your health while you are building your dream. Dedicate time to staying healthy and stress-free. Take breaks, practice mindfulness, and exercise regularly.

In conclusion, quitting your job to pursue your passion is a bold move. However, it can become a reality with the right approach and mindset. Remember, nothing is impossible if you have the courage, determination, and willingness to learn. Take these steps, stay focused, and enjoy the journey towards living your dream life.

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